Monday, January 25, 2016

The 5 Stages of the Silver-Seed Awakening & the AMCC-MCEO-Krystal River Fail-Safe Host

The 5 Stages of the Silver-Seed Awakening & the AMCC-MCEO-Krystal River Fail-Safe Host

 -source - 
The 5 Stages of the Silver-Seed Awakening & the  AMCC-MCEO-Krystal River Fail-Safe Host

AMCC-MCEO-GA excerpt (for theoretical exploration; © 8/2013 E’Asha Ashayana & EFFI-Project):
   The process of reawakening the Krystar plasma-frequency spectra is precise, systematic and sequential, beginning slowly with a progressive opening of first an External Creation elemental-spectra “grounding-base frequency platform”, then incrementally building/expanding that grounding-base to hold/run stronger and larger  elemental frequency spectra. Once the full range of (local to Cos-MY’ah level) External Creation elemental frequency spectra have been opened within a sufficient-quantum grounding-base, the Internal Creation plasma frequency spectra of the Krystar can then enter and progressively expand until the organic Silver-Seed Krystar Core Plasma Flows of the Krystar Silver-Seed return outward into External Creation, to initiate open circulation of the Eternal Life Silver-Seed Krystar Core Plasma spectra between Internal and External Creation.

     Using analogy, the process of restoring the organic Silver-Seed Krystar Core Plasma Flows can be compared to building a toweror spire, from the bottom up; which occurs in five primary stages. In Stage-1,   a sufficient-quantum External Creation grounding-base elemental frequency platform is set, then this frequency-structure is progressively built up and expanded upward and inward (toward Internal Creation), until it “crests the boundary between External and Internal Creation” (the D-Planes), allowing for Internal Creation D-Planes first plasma flows(“top downward/outward” Internal D-Planes plasma flows) to enter External Creation, which initiates Stage-2.

   In Stage-2, once D-Planes first plasma flows initiate (through fulfillment of Stage-1), this growing “spire of frequency” continues to expand upward and inward, until finally accreting sufficient strength to anchor/hold the “pyramidal cap stone” (Cos-MY’ah Core Sun-8 plasma-frequency spectra); as the “pyramidal cap stone” is “placed on top” of the frequency “spire” and activated, the Internal Creation Cos-MY’ah Core Sun-8 plasma flows (“top  downward/outward” Internal Sun-8 Core plasma flows) enter External Creation, which initiates Stage-3.

  Continuing this “spire building” analogy, in Stage-3, once Cos-MY’ah Core Sun-8 plasma flows activated (through fulfillment of Stage-2), the “point-tip of the pyramidal capstone” then “pierces the veil” between the Internal Creation Plasma Fields and the Krystar Core Silver-Seed, releasing the Silver-Seed Krystar Core Plasma Flows into the “pyramidal cap stone”, which then directs the Silver-Seed Krystar Core Plasma Flows (top downward/outward flows) progressively through the “frequency spire” and into External Creation”, which initiates Stage-4.

  In Stage-4, once the Internal Creation Silver-Seed Krystar Core Plasma Flows release into External Creation (through fulfillment of Stage-3), they will then progressively re-enter circulation within all aspects of External Creation, which initiates progressive restoration of the organic Krystar Plasma Templates (Chismatic Field),   and corresponding Eternal Life potentials within External Creation, which after a period of Chismatic Restoration Cycles, initiates Stage-5.

  In Stage-5, after a period of Krystar Plasma Template Chismatic Restoration Cycles completes (through fulfillment of Stage-4), the pathways of circulation, between Internal and External Creation fully open, and the frequency-spectra fields of Internal, D-Planes and External Creation merge, progressively allowing Eternal Life potentials to become available to all within External Creation, and providing all within External Creation the opportunity to re-enter Eternal Creation.  Fulfillment of this eternal organic process is called the “Silver Seed Awakening”, and its orchestration is the purpose of the AMCC-MCEO-Krystal River Fail-Safe Host.

5 Stages of the AMCC-MCEO Krystal River Fail-Safe Host: Summary
For theoretical exploration only; © 8/2013 E’Asha Ashayana & EFFI-Project  page-1

Stage-1: External Creationgrounding-base elemental frequency platform is set (1997-2007) and progressively
                expanded upward and inward (toward Internal Creation) as a “spire of frequency” (2007- 2009), until it
                “crests the D-Planes”  (2009-8/2011), allowing for Internal Creation D-Planes first plasma flows to enter
                 External Creation (8/2011-4/2012).
              .- (Stage-1 accomplished 1997-4/2012 via AMCC-MCEO-GA translations Foundational Programs 1997-
                  2005 & MCEO Freedom Teachings Series-2005-4/2012)

Stage-2:  External Creation to Internal Creation D-Planes “frequency spire”  further expands upward/ inward and
                 accretes sufficient strength to anchor/hold the “pyramidal cap stone”-Cos-MY’ah Core Sun-8 plasma-
                 frequency spectra (5/2012-12/2012); “pyramidal cap stone placed on top of the frequency spire” activates
                 Internal Creation Cos-MY’ah Core Sun-8 plasma flows into External Creation via “frequency spire”
                .- (Stage-2 accomplished 5/2012-5/2013 via AMCC-MCEO-GA translations  EFFI-Project-1, 5/2012,
                    & AMCC-MCEO-GA translations AMCC-MCEO Advanced Master-works Programs TTJ-1-5
                   ARhAyas Productions 8/2012-5/2013)

*Stage-3:   At critical-mass accretion of Internal Creation Cos-MY’ah Core Sun-8 plasma flows (5- 8/2013), the
                   “point-tip of the pyramidal capstone” (Cos-MY’ah Core Sun-8 plasma-frequency spectra “tip”
                 = A-Rhi-yah Winds/A-RhA-yah Vapors) “pierces the veil (the E-LAi-sian Guard)” between Internal
                 Creation Plasma Fields and Krystar Core Silver-Seed, releasing full-spectrum Silver-Seed
                  Krystar Core Plasma Flows (full-spectrum 24 KHY-Wave Flows)into “pyramidal cap stone” and
                  External Creation via “frequency spire” (8/2013)
              .- ( Stage-3 accomplished 5/2013-8/2013 via AMCC-MCEO-GA translations AMCC-MCEO Advanced
                     Master-works Programs TTJ- 6 ARhAyas Productions 8/2013)

Stage-4:    Internal Creation Silver-Seed Krystar Core Plasma Flows release into External Creation
                  (5-8/2013), & progressively re-enter circulation within all aspects of External Creation, initiating
                  series of progressive Chismatic Restoration Cycles ( Planetary Fail-Safe Master-Shift cycles)
                  (8/2013 through 900 year -2913AD duration of the AMCC-MCEO Krystal River Fail-Safe Host),of
                  the organic Krystar Plasma Templates/Chismatic Field within External Creation.
                -(Stage-4 accomplished 8/2012-2913 AD via AMCC-MCEO-GA translations  Advanced Master-works
                  Programs, EFFI-Project, & AMCC-MCEO Krystal River Fail-Safe Host)

Stage-5:   Following completion of the planetary Chismatic Restoration Cycles( 2913AD) pathways of circulation
                 between Internal & External Creation fully open, & the frequency-spectra fields of Internal, D-Planes &
                 External Creation merge, returning Eternal Life potentials to all within External Creation, providing all
                 within External Creation opportunity to re-enter Eternal Creation.
                -(Stage-5 accomplished 2913 AD+ via AMCC-MCEO Krystal River Fail-Safe Host)

Fulfillment of this eternal organic process is called the “Silver Seed Awakening”, and its orchestration is, and has always been, the purpose of the AMCC-MCEO-Krystal River Fail-Safe Host.

    As previously stated, in the opinion of E-LAi-sa Freedom Forum, AMCC-MCEO, LLC, and the AMCC-MCEO-GA, the original, authentic AMCC-MCEO-GA translations, as translated/authored by AMCC-MCEO-GA Speaker-1 E’Asha Ashayana, represent a prolific treasury of information provided by the legitimate AMCC-MCEO-GA that represents a true “Gift for Theoretical Exploration and Practical Investigation for an Evolving Humanity”, whether one chooses to view these bodies of information as theoretical exploration into the possibilities of human conscious evolution (as they have always been presented by the AMCC-MCEO-GA and E’Asha Ashayana), or whether they are viewed as practical spirituality or purely interesting fiction.  Neither E-LAi-sa Freedom Forum, the EFFI-Project, the AMCC-MCEO-GA, nor E’Asha Ashayana, hold any “vested interest” in how these bodies of AMCC-MCEO-GA information are viewed; our interest is only in that they are preserved and protected in their original unadulterated form, so that those whom may wish to explore these teachings have continued access to doing so. 

Copyright © 2016 E-LAi-sa Freedom Forum 

Saturday, April 4, 2015

May 28 2012 #WS Final Session - transcript by #Emerald Guardians

May 28 2012 #WS Final Session - transcript by #EG
Part of WS timeframe: Effi-1 = the never released Sliders Series Part 12-C

Monday 28 May 2012 -

Download as Doc or Pdf here

-Aurora project-

Now that the Halls Of Cosminyahas are opened, what are some of the missing pieces that are coming in from those records of things that were edited out of the Amenti records and CDT plates down here. I’m sry if I’m a little emotional,  I period for me in that particular lifetime that they wanna talk about, 1st parts of the records that are being revealed , ones that coming online fist is part for the race karmic imprint that beginning to manifest into the lilla on the planet., its goes back to what we call the Jesh period the biblical period of jesh’s taught and stuff.    Snif sry

(audience we love you clap clap)

Its kind a funny , before the facts I share with you that I share with you, if u had known these records  the last 12 years of my life would have gone differently, but apparently they weren’t supposed to , so anyway , there was somebody once that after a certain thing happened , and the certain things than happened was back in ehh what was it October of 2010 and I believe it was in august of 2010 that we had officially introduced the 3 apprentices and in Oct 2010, apprentice 1 and 2 lost their commissions, during that period, speaker 3 asked me, why did the beloveds introduce them and everything, if you know they were doing certain things that eventually ended up their contract were terminated , I said I donoo good question , and I went vertical, and the beloveds said sometimes when you shed light on something it shows where the darkness lives. And that was their response to that. That made sense to me, as sometimes cause right after that it rly got out of control, where certain peoples showed their behaviors thinking cause they may have been thinking  it’s a free ride after that cause now were important or something.  I think what he last 12 years have been about in my life were facilitating something like that too as far as sometimes when you show the light is shows where the darkness life’s.  if I had  known certain things about the history records I would have probably rebelled totally , so it was probably good that I didn’t. Know at the time the period id like to talk about is that has been released from the records and I have 3 notebooks with dates and that stuff. I didn’t bring those cause I won’t get into that heavily, but they wanna talk about  the  parts that ar pertinent about what is happening now that were seeing , the next manifestation of the drama that was taking place back there . Where they wanna start is eh, back in Jesh period we were doing something that even back than in Atlantian period  before it was referred to as Aurora project

al hum bhra passages and hidden cities, even though primary ascension-gates Amenti weren’t in good...   but stealth gates al hum bhra were there,  gates only passable K+8 factor in dna. plasma gates

whole mission both Atlantian and J period.  and this period.  same mission.
Records, to-do (Atlantian period seeding 3 as well) bio regenerate the races, not just angelic human, but also fallen Equari lines.

FatalE attachments began.   When it would attempt and many times succeed. taking possession high priest coded bodies and that genetic anomaly, continued upwards. and many times succeed.

House of David, King David(mosses/Abraham etc line J9 line)were main carriers of  triple F(FatalE) factor line,.   attempts made (before Jesh) through house of Solomon,
by a different mother, Bathsheba Solomon's mother, and carried the K8 factor. so bring K8 factor back in that line/lineages. up to Jesh period 12BC born.

a hidden line K+8 line, were being assassinated...  became stealth and quit.  Jesh was one a them.
the bio-regennesis continued,.  involved carrying K+8 factor parent with F-factor. to bring the F back into K-factor.

records released Christmas story. discrepancy found...
1 was in voyagers ( gave birth John Baptist date 31bc and in Christmas story 46Bc ) in Amenti records was originally edited.. said born 46BC , but he blossomed in 31BC so that was recorded as Annu translation....

(married and died. Merigedra., than died and than back Miriam... )

remember dying in desert..   Merigedra..   (having to die in desert cant bear children. than to be reborn... ) agreed to die...  not a potion or such... but not expect head to be pounded in with a rock.. that’s how she died..

reborn as Miriam, 5BC. much happened in between reborn..   ( edited out of CDT plates thanks to Thoth..)

Merigedra -> mother name Saradi, father Benjamin (B = K8 factor) 2 younger brothers. middle brother Emanuel., Joehius, J12's dad.

J12 mom was Saradi u half sister -? Judi  ( Saradi and Judi carried F factor. and Benjamin and Joehius carried K+8 factor,  official attempt to heal  the F factor/line.

what wasn’t exactly part of the plan ,  was that apparently that Merigedra death had to do with her mother. that had an thing for john the Baptist.   after John coerced into killing her (Merigedra)
Saradi seduced him(john), john had carried both sets a codes, K and part F-factor (not K8+) she pushed him into saturation.

helped to remember what it was to be Miriam (before she became Miriam) was, once  Saradi seduced John T B they made babies, a set a twins with F6 factor, cause of saturation he, and G her. F6 highest level,
can take out all lines Jesh leave behind. and did a good job.    it was a girl 20.   Remember Saradi still married to Benjamin. Saradi  did thing with john and had babies somewhere. Benjamin knew she was pregnant , Benjamin thinking it was his.    she brought home the girl, and john took the boy, took to Egypt and setup him with a family.  that became the J9 line.

son of John the Baptist was J9 he carried the F6 factor, became the Mark of Serelius line (much later in history) meanwhile, someone tipped of Benjamin about what happened, someone that attended the birth and realized what she did , and was goanna kill the girl child, cause he realized what she was a Succubi, and the boy incubus
because Saradi wanted to protect her child, she had 2 sisters (in India) she made a deal with farroci she knew to get them to India-> her sisters and to trade for that gave up what she knew about the K+8 line
she traded Joehius the youngest brother ,J12's dad. always wondered why he disappeared and how Jeudi ended up with Benjamin. and gave birth to Miriam. what happened there.....

faraci got the child out to India (sisters) not long after the faracee guy murdered Joehius.  and when Benjamin found out what she done. he killed her, and married her half-sister.

Jeudi also carried the F-Factor, Joehius carried the K+8 factor. once child being born before Joehius was killed that was Samuel. Jesh full brother , 7month baby. same time as the twins...
but Samuel was born but Joehius was dead by time he born. Benjamin wasn’t fond of Jeudi either. but knew Miriam had to come back. and J half sister. same mother different father. by age 15/16 married of...
again to J.T.B..  funny lots a love there and he was  Equatic twin. not Tantri-Aja-twin 1st creation. both 48 strand-coding.

what always stuck as strange.  was Xmas story left of.. everyone lived happily after after..  john and Miriam birth Jerimiah again, cause  (Emanuel killed and came back.. ) not exactly
what was going... on there.

John struggle in self.. K factor and F factor in-self fighting , abusive to Miriam., broken many bones in face.. she looked like a man. she still loved him. And stood by him try to protect him from himself
J12 was  doing his thing raised in Persia and etc .

already married when J12 returned, and start speaker contract, John speaker 1 , J12 speaker 2, Miriam speaker3

period of time.. again John tried to kill Miriam, and J12 took her(Miriam)lost it again..  into protective-custody, and took her into the AlHumbra passages and hid her basically.
and that John story unfolded after that., Solmee.

and his(John) creepy life.. and john getting head cut of. not Solmee fault but her mothers fault..  #repeats -> karmic history,,, known.. beginning  that esan was john, and Miriam E'asha..
Mac? Saradi donoo. still love her..  whatever than.. choices now...
reason to bring the info is.. 7-7-7 Bc twins born.. J9 was a F6 carrie3r. means.. whole J9 was running reverse violet.. (we all back btw.. not just john and Miriam)

lets see what more to reveal.. oh btw. after birthing Miriam., Jeudi killed herself..
in Amenti records, said J12 left in 27AD , he left 6 lines. cause of interbreeding  WITH FatalE ladies. to bring their lines back.. 7th hidden line K8, Aquaelle  that was also taken out, by progenies of 1st 2 twins..  lets say "not nice krystic twins..."  some wont reveal public. as its not their business. rest we already let be known..    we do know whom the others are.. not against anybody,,

j9 is back and we know who he is, and his sister also, we know.   we know who the 6 F-Factor woman were,. their back. that J12 attempted to regenerate the line. by impregnated them  so to leave a K-factor line.
reveal that much , as it relates to now. on the positive factor back than
2 other lines left, stealth lines. not just K factor/lines left by Jesh,. both by same female. K+8 Factor. Became the stealth lines. without that, we would not have the K+8 here now, and not able to anchor AlHumbra, secretive line., took ages to figure out, we hid it that well. its the K+ 8factor ones that are back on the fail-Safe. as them were seeing what direction it was going. so that was happy, that lines did come through.

and apparently they were very busy that period. during that period, he just didn’t go POEF off planet elsewhere... no.  he went back and forward via the AlHumbra passages.

so was Miriam and others that had the L+ 8factor. back and forward, not just Togo into the inner cities., but trans-time, time tunnels. not just different frequency bands in same space-time location tunnels.

they were interfacing aurora project than. started back in Atlantian period. also in our timeframe. that never stopped., some left bodies some didn’t..
always have this strange question: i remember a lot Miriam period, and bits Merigedra period, could never find Miriam dying, where did they go, where did i put my body.. what id o with it
i didn’t die, i brought it through and transmuted it and we came through the deity planes this way..i didn’t know that, until fail-safe stuff was released  and holes in.. records were filled
what’s important is , this period than and this period now. we see same drama evolve. invisible war between house of Solomon and House of David. house of FatalE and House of Kryst+8. we see shield split cause of it.

which brings us more to the present for now. and why talk about that,  back to the concept of Synocracy, and that great idea. that everyone claiming to be a krystic or aren’t being a krystic very high priority,
everybody is fair, gets treated equally fair across the board. and Synocracy rly works when everyone is transmitting krystic, when everyone is being honest and not speaking out both ides of their face.  when everyone is telling the truth being transparent, not translucent or opaque or downright black down out the windows.

doing these WS for 12 years now.  lots pressure to get info down., hardly any sleep etc.
things that i never spoke about, and never wanted to. but I’m being asked, by the councils, not asked actually. but told , for you for the future of the Freedom teachings, for the love of Synocracy for the love of the eternal kryst, and  for understanding the requirements for transparency and accountability. and i share with you a few things i ,,  if i don’t you wont know at all. and if you don’t, means you haven’t heard all the voices speak,..   to you make your own choices.. consciously

before i doo this., id like to say, i always will have great love for S.T.B and maybe not as much for Saradi. but for speaker 3 i love her very much.

I’ve watched over the last 12 years, 2 people who were supposed to be our ground team. supposed to be on same team / ship. I’ve watched them progressively become someone whom i don’t recognize.,

when Esan and i got 1st goy married in 2001. all seemed nice ok, feeling  heart connection love connection from john Miriam period was there. But what I didn’t understand. Was why within 3 a 4 months.  I was being thrown at walls physically, I’ve never had to deal with physical abuse in this life.  I would never put up with that, I always had the stance. Quite feminist actually, raise a hand at me and I’m such vapor in your trail and your never know I existed in your hologram. Beloveds asked me to stay and to help...   and I did stay, and I did my best to help. I stayed in that husband him for 10 years and finally physically left moved out of my body..  Oct. 2010. Right when safe house became available. It was rly scary heartbreaking, cause it just wasn’t once.. In fact so often, when finally in 2009 it was getting so bad. And beloveds said he was so out of control. I didn’t realize at the time he was in my host shield, I was hosting him. They pulled that contract.  And they put them it in white dragon 1t test shield. Because he was goanna kill me, the said. . I was like no kidding..

Rly funny..  When we lived over in the Stewart FL and I knew it, I remember  Reed say to me .. In a casual conversation, not fighting.. Just 2 people.

He said when he was in college days, footballer soccer team good athlete days etc. forgot the school name, off the record .. Hired some footballers to just keep an eye on the fret party and that, when they get out of line etc.  sort them out without leaving marks that sort..

Took me a long time actually.. o think one might actually call it PTSD , to put all pieces together, was weird finally. After a whole bunch a things, some they want me to tell you
May 2009 funny, was actually my daughter Birthday, she was 8years old, when he moved in. as kid never even been spanked..  Physical violence was never part of
But on that day we come back. Diner, we lived at the watchtower at that time come back over from there, he started to picking on her again, he also like  run down on her, I said I don’t wanna hear it, just if you wanna trash my daughter, go talk to the mayor, cause you’re not goanna stop me from loving her,. Cyclic fights that way or similar ways. And, he had this things he, he always did. Sit on couch. And would launch come so fast.. And not even realize.. He was coming.  and running ,lot a times I got away, but if I got  caught me I’d be backed up against somethings whacked  like a wall or counter. And fall and just leave me there, supposed to teach me a lessen I guess. Once in a while I must have pissed m off rly much because he kicked like when I was down, were times he was saying my word against yours nobody is goanna believe you.

At a certain point before 2009 beloveds told me to tell ones I can trust. Just incase

At that point so bad. And writing daughter, and if I disappeared them would clean up my stuff. As I wanted them to understand, but not to scare them
Finally in 2009. Much he whacked me against the wall. as I tried to get up  he dropkicked m
e., I never been dropkicked before.  ,. Almost like slow-motion. Oo
And kicked me below my 2 legs and airborne 2 sec.   Felt like 3 years
Roll to left and get up and run. And find phone and call police. and I did. And I ran.  I rolled got out. And donoo how. I got out door. And ran 1st place I ran to. Down the road.  didn’t want to get to my daughter as she was with husband and pregnant and didn’t want to get them in the middle of it...

so a friends a ours, so house next door around on door no answer, so don’t know neighbors, so I went to my daughter ran there and asked and called the police. And he was arrested under domestic violence charges  what was rly scary, was ehh, i filled out police report my story in pencil back in police car, young cop was rly nice, than there was this older cop one was seemed to be rly buddy buddy with him. Karmic thing or some

I filled it out, dropkicked etc., and didn’t even
I filled the form and explained about being dropkicked. And i didn’t even find out till later.  And that was even fudged..  They fudged it and make it look like exactly his statement.
life in terror, still have to be there for the kids, do workshops. He aint a bad man, but he is a troubled man. I wouldn’t be sharing this with you if i hadn’t been ordered to
There is a deception being run on some of you, and you will never hear both sides of that story, what’s interesting is, from begin Mac was the one person that was a friend whom i could call, i trusted her and. she was like talk me down and trying  talk him down (not rly)at least she was there. And i could call. At same time
Esan did amazing things as like setting AP around my work, amazing with that. Business men, MBA etc. I’m just good at vertigo. so they did a amazing things,  work for making it available to the people. Will love and respect him for that.

At same time something else i dint realize somethings else was going on. Messing with these 2 people i care about, and i didn’t realize it was 2 for a long time, just 1.

I didn’t realize cause he so good at finances, i didn’t even had a credit card... at the time, cause if i had to cash it I had. I had no credit score.
So esan blessing he set that all out amazing, sign here sign here whatever. Even trademarks..    Under both of our names. Rly funny
MAC said (email) because i brought up the divorce in the last WS.i did cause beloved wanted to clarify issue trademarks, only reason. Small but loud group. Because some people were rly upset because i brought up my VV game up and pay money for that.
whoever you were, that was done so people understand where the original teachings come from. Because you can look at it now as newcomer and looks like we both wrote it, we didn’t the beloveds wrote it through me.

Clap clapping

So here about the finance..
the reason why they want some of this info revealed , is because cause of the conclusion that’s goanna be drawn tonight, that i have to state, cause  as it’s my contract as speaker one still in good standing, even to deliver messages i don’t want to deliver, so everyone has a right to choose. And you cannot choose consciously, if the facts are being hidden for you..   Particularly sharing these facts
When he did finally get arrested May 2009, spend a night in prison, bailed him out, but didn’t revamp my statement.  He tried to call me and tell my lawyer to revamp my statement, I said no sorry i not goanna do that. So that game him a noncontact order for like a month. This period somethings called diversion program in FL. that if substance abuse is involved in domestic violence case is used. There is an option if approved by courts a person can go.., instead of jail time. I got my lawyer to push for that rly hard. We paid 35.000 Dollar passages in Cali, hoping this would help, and it seemed to somewhat, and helped him in some ways and I’m glad we were able to do that. 2009 was interesting year. Right after that period 4thjuly, a big attack went down on watchtower grids. I guess Mac and Esan planned a big BBQ at house i lived in and invited a bunch a people. Beloveds said.. You need to know this is a setup..

You go invite 12 people and don’t tell them. i think at this point he was still in passages, but BBQ was arranged. And stuff.
 So i invited 12 folks that i believed i could trust , so became a bigger BBQ < Mac and esan didn’t expect
Interesting experience. Where for the 1st time. Beloveds said we needed to get something E-group. Had to do with, rally. Mediation to send energy here
Mac is not herself right now, you have to get it passed her..  never posted on E-group. didn’t know how-to
apprentice 1 and 2 were there. good with this computers and stuff and helped to get this out
i actually created a profile 22male etc. just so not to be moderated and get on. stardustfreedom144
and as soon as post got though I let them know its me/E'asha.. i didn’t wanna lie or trick the moderators etc. But had to get he info out once I had that platform i could post it
but i was scared, was watching what I now know as DF accruing within  some peoples in that group, same as what was happening people in morocco., we just called it demon fest in morocco 2005.

we managed to get through. 2009 BBQ< and whacky wagon train to siesta keys. X hours drive. fireworks.   was like a showdown. as part of us were ok some weren’t.. rly creepy but we managed to hold the grids at that time.
while after
 Mac asked me, some people have a serious field problems and stuff .  and finally she  asked me . and this and that person, named  1 person.. picking on it.  that one actually helped me at the time. was it her., actually no.
she was one of the few that were fine., so she said was I one? , I said yes you were.. so its not like anyone isn’t talking to these people...
now, bringing this forward.

to what’s happening.  2 years ago.  Certain person in  the group, was inspired with the idea , lets call it a TEMP version of Aurora project. that we did in Atlantis and Jesh period.

and that person and some friends., that you know  of his, wanted to know, was asking the 3 speakers about if thought was, is this in-line with beloveds and everything yes definitely yeah absolutely, they never endorse everything except this. Because its to risky to do that, but this is actually a project was  from them to this person, has to do  the persons positive karmic history (I wont get into) K+8. What got strange really fast, and I didn’t realize  I was still in a house where I lived with a rubber bag, means some clothes and ID.  Put in a safe place by a escape road if I needed it, another funny thing.

Finally back in 2009 when esan did get arrested, the police leave you with a pamphlet ,  its called victim call . so I did. Hi they left me the pamphlet.  You know, I’m supposed to do what.

Cause esan controlled all the finances,. The lady said do you need counseling, she said has this happened before honey. I paused and said yeah. She said how many times. I was like ehhh I I it happened so often I donoo almost like a part of life.. so she knew I was a different category. I didn’t know
She said well, do you think you can take a little time and write down the ones you do remember, I said probably  I do keep journals and keep them for years to , a lot a times what would happened.  Locked in the bathroom or somewhere safe, and I would just you know be crying  hysterically and writing vertically , and asking the beloveds what to-do with this. And that kinda  stuff that’s how I survived it rly, so  she told me to go find them, find my  journals . because As I tend not to throw away anything that has to do with journaling,  because a a lot a times I do notebooks and part beloveds transmission scribbles and diagrams. Dialoging vertically s about personal stuff, o I don’t throw out transmissions from the not anything public shed
so I went back, and I only counted the times he caught me, not the times I ran and hid in the garden and the time he didn’t, I was horrified when I added them up, and than I had bits a memory to, that if I hadn’t recorded  cause I could remember but it sound stupid, but what color the carpet was my face was against that kind a things. And I kinda categorized them by date. And that meant. Like this  was England and this was Florida before  we moved to England that kind a thing, when I added them up when he got arrested it was the 39th time,. I guess that’s  not   to bad in 10 years, to bad.  that’s 39times to many..    I would never stay in a situation like that. Nor advice anyone to , i stayed cause the beloveds asked me to stay as long as I could . in 2009 after this one,. The beloveds, it was actually   Adonai that said enough is enough. They were the ones that pulled his contract his host contract and gave it to the White Dragon 1st fall for testing
ehhm. Sniff, Oh rly..   they saying I should add a bit more information, that  I rly don’t want to., but they say they need to know. just so they understand what they dealing with.  Before we moved back to FL we lived in Arizona,.  Actually we had  Colorado house to, but I couldn’t live there, when cause I was goanna end up probably buried  in a snow bag actually is what the beloveds said. It didn’t make a lot a sense to me when we moved to Colorado, and ohh there is bear territory up  there, you know a lot a the locals have riffles and stuff to shoot bears in case they attack them. Most people don’t buy handguns’ to shoot bears.  I never had guns in my house and I was rly scared at that point. Ehm
Than we got the Arizona house with  Baha. I was really relieved cause it was close  with neighbors all over the place. There was somebody to run to..      why the gun was supposed to kill bears ended up in Arizona I don’t know but it did, and that  scared me.  I was fine, people have right to carry arms.

What rly got creepy was ehm there was a point in time. Mac worked at a insurance company , health insurance and talked with esan about getting that for us.  And than he said to me btw I was talking with mac about life-insurance..   and we should get l I, but but because I’m a foreigner we can only afford it for you. The beloveds said “DO NOT SIGN those papers” I  said NO NO NO!  and I said no.

Do you know what its like to life under something like that when you trying to help the person you care about the person .  When you don’t know who they goanna be the next night.  I don’t wanna have to esan ,share this info but people have the right to know. What has been going on here. As right know, you have own half of the trademarks. To all this work

ESAN speaks..   I know the truth stands right
E’asha yeah right, whatever…
ESAN   your letting the people down..
E’asha You are the one that has been lying.. for 12 years and that is no longer tolerated by the AlHumbra councils. how long did you think you could do that!!!!

Clapping !!!! long clapping and cheering

Onto a similar subject , btw I’m not angry about this didn’t want to speak about this, but your being deceived, not just by one person, after the aurora project was given to a person in the group, and the project began to grow. Certain people were entrusted to help it grow.  Beloveds told me, around Christmas 2010, that there is a certain little group of people that was being targeted and preyed on,. Particularly financially., by members of our group and ehm, this was in esan.  The persons who were involved to get the aurora project going in this lifetime,  were working with. We weren’t part of that organization as 3 speakers, just meetings with us as consultants, you know to make sure was cool with the beloveds that kind a thing
I wasn’t neither with those. Until I ended up in the safe house. I didn’t have any direct communication with anyone beside on stage. I found out later that the, the people who started the Aurora Project , wanted to hear what the 3 speakers had to say, just not 1 of  them..  and was reprimanded. Because broke protocol by approaching me directly, but who’s protocol is that?

Meanwhile aurora project seemed too flourish for 2 years, speaker 2 was paid a very nice salary , not by me, but by people funded the aurora project.    It got rly strange after last WS , that was handled very gently in the last WS, we did have to tell them that  because of what happened with violet and green shields. That those were under custodial protectorate of the White/Blue-Core shield and the Al Hum Bhra Councils. We all worked together and do this together and seemed like sure, we’ll do this together and that got real interesting. I think it was the Wednesday right after the WS. There is was this little meeting just  consultant meeting , not bigger meeting with the Aurora Project. Ehm. That were goanna have and would be like the 3 speakers and the 2 individuals most involved.  In the Aurora, and also the individuals being most targeted. And I said I’m going too this meeting why?

Is there something I’m to contribute or gimme a clue..  right. And they said just show up, and when we ask you to speak do. OK.  So talk about walking into a very strange situation, so the 3 of us came.  And the other 2 speakers were there in meeting place/ all seemed fine. 1st strangeness was speaker 3 decided to take a tape-recorder; we never tape these…    so I was like jeeh. If you goanna bring a tape recorder you could let us know so we could bring one too. But that’s ok whatever.

Meeting started in a very strange way, it was all about speaker 3 and assisting that she was promised equal partner equal owner.  It was talked about and discussed not promised. The beloveds perceived the situation as, if the 2 individuals involved in Aurora Project could be pushed or be lead into saying something that was recorder that, that made it sound if any promise was made,  that there might be a ability to take to a lawyer an enforce it..   I was quite horrified when I listened this start, I’d  never rly heard speaker 3  go off on someone and try  to bully them and push them make them feel guilty , oh about this, about that, you’re not appreciating us..   And at a certain point, seriously. Trying like to push their buttons make them feel guilty like they did something wrong when they didn’t..

And finally the beloveds said cut through it now.  I said what you want me to say. And I did it.

It became a callout on both a them Speaker 2 and 3,. They were told in that private meeting that they, would enjoy for losing their speakers contracts. All sorts a news came out on that day mind-blowing.  Like certain points, esan actually admitted in hitting me.. ahh..  he said your exaggerating it was only 2 or 3 times, and then changed it to only 3 or 4..  I was like OMG.. cause he said its just my word against your word..   it was just very bizarre and   MAC was called out. on ehh, well it started with why should these 2 gentlemen feel comfortable with making you a Co-owner of their business when they seeing so much instability  between the 3 of us.  Why should they feel conformable ,why should they feel obliged  to-do that. Then she starts going off on about me being on a witch hunt, I’m on a witch hunt..

 no I actually know what was happening was as the budgets that had been allotted to that project were, there is attempts to use them for things.. that were not at all endorsed by blue council and because the people involved with that project f starting it cared about what Blue-council had to say, cared about what the guardians had to say, there were all these issues that had been ongoing with the person who’s idea it was and the person who was going to get paid a nice salary to supposedly facilitate that, there were directions that certain people who should be  put on salaries or ehh whatever, this event should be scheduled and you know use the budget for that.

 That the creator of the project was not comfortable with.  And at a certain point because it was getting very uncomfortable between them, that the creator of the project asked, you know for guidance from the beloveds. And they started to, not a witch-hunting, but identifying some things  , that actually if I wasn’t so slow I might have caught it also myself.  A bunch of the people that were now being pushed to be  put on salaries and stuff and oh they do such great work, and I’m sure they do great work. But great work and being not only being put on salaries and but in a position where you have more influence and more control in an organization.  And a number of the people, or at least a few. Had been ones who, I had to identify privately to MAC, had serious field problems in morocco.    All of the sudden they became like sons and daughters to her, she knew these people had field problems,  we could have helped them. I’d tell her stuff cause she liked it when I would ehh.. “witch-hunt” for her, but she didn’t like it when it was time to identify what was happening there, so in this meeting it was just very bizarre, there’s a couple funny moments I mean sadly.. funny moments  Freudian slips and stuff,. That I won’t get into. What was rly strange at the end of it I mean t ended up in screaming basically between the 3 of us. And at the end of it, council had to say you’re not leaving here with that tape. Because they said it would be edited, to make it look like certain things were said that weren’t , on the tape there’s some interesting things cause MAC was called out on something , that ehh you know I wont go there,..
Goanna be big.. ish. Ok.    Lets just say I found some stuff to smoke that wasn’t tobacco, in the  house, and I kinda had a hissy fit about , weed teachings tantrum  faulistish . And he said. And he’d said , MAC holding it? Right ehm , she was called out on the tape about that2. This is some of the stuff that been going on behind the peoples back, meanwhile they are trying to make it look like my emotional state has compromised my line. And you know what my line is just fine both off you..

Interestingly at the end of that meeting , beloveds said don’t let him take that tape. So I’m like ehh ok, how about we just delete it, ok jut delete it. 3 of us tried to delete it none of us could delete it.

Beloveds saying don’t let them walk out with it, I said what am I supposed to do steal it? Right so I was like ok, ill temporary commandeer ill write a cheque for over 100 dollar for the recorder like whatever its worth + a 100.  Just to borrow it temporarily until we  to get a copy too or get it deleted, they said don’t worry we’ll get it deleted.  I said ehh I cant let that leave here ill take that personally so please don’t were under protocol, the fact that you just got your warning under speakers contracts, that means it comes with me. The funny thing was the tape belonged to the project, so therefore  it was owned by the 2  over there..  we ended up taking the tape to get it deleted , cause they  had a friend that knew how-to with a particular piece of equipment.  And would be able to do it, and we were in the car, and esan just walked out the meeting at a certain point before we ended with the recorder,  Mac was very upset with me, “I will take that personally..  (E)  I’m sorry.. I love you but I cannot trust you as much as I love you, but right now I know I can’t., so we left ,went  in the car , were sitting there and .. what just happened..    as I’m sitting with this tape, as he admitted hitting me, she is seriously not in good form, and very bully and pushy, and trying to manipulate people for ohh so she gets to own part of the company and that kind of thing. I mean it was a very embarrassing  for both a them honestly , an I remember just 1 thing, if I had know it, this was were talked into a setup and the beloveds didn’t say that yet.  But they said lets this be an example oh how when even a UnKrystic plan that is being set, the Kryst can intervene to turn it around and serve the kryst.

Clapping clapping

So we did take the tape and had it deleted. We didn’t say we wouldn’t make a copy…

Next little note on the agenda.  Remember the little thing I write about accountability, that the councils had given directly about the Lilly dance and accountability, well that was actually the beginning of the response to an email back to an email that speaker-3 had send me, that the beloveds had asked me not too answer, because the 1st part was just twist and stuff and going on a tantrum with stuff that had nothing to do with stuff said. The 2nd part was interesting  , the only thing that’s important in this piece a email is something that I found fascinating because also in that little meeting   email,  Mac had 1st said to me.. there is inconsistencies in back in ehh  august 2011 , you said that we pulled out of the Metatronic spiral. Now you are being inconsistent because your saying that we didn’t , well I was goanna explain in like do a little E-Group posting, that  well the core White-Blue shield did pull out which means we can pull the rest out. right?   And it was rly kind of interesting because  as we were trying to post, and I always have someone to-do it for me because I don’t know how to-do that, its like get me in there and you know I can, and ill post something to Clarify . cause Mac had said people were confused because I was inconsistent, so I was like ehh ok.  I found out I was blocked..  not only me..  Jan was blocked Shana and Deb were blocked.  For posting.. we were moderated..   I was blocked they were moderated, I was like ehh ok guess we wont, right post that/. But we also found out at the same time I been moderated  back in ehh of October of  2010.

Now that was the month that the private call-out meeting on apprentice 1 & 2 had gone down. I didn’t even know why I was blocked, I didn’t tried to post geesh. All of the sudden this  eager that is supposed to-be about  the work that I produced I cant even post on it? Unless they say so…
2ndly I’d like to clarify another misconception. I believed you asked esan he was in cohoods with )didn’t ask it that way)  with me moderating you in the E-Group  the answer is No he has nothing dodo with the E-group, nor did he ever suggest I moderate you. I put you on moderation back in the fall back than.  When you told me that were going to to be doing your own emails “I put you on moderation on the E-Group”  as of innocenceshhh precautionary measure so that nothing went  out to the e-group that was intended for me . I don’t think I ever said anything on it personally.  , My personal email and the E-group-email are not far of it happened quite a lot , It happens a lot that emails for me end up on the E-group. Lonny does it about once a month Darlene does it quite often also. Better get attested to the truth of that if you don’t believe me, al those people and more are on moderation to  prevent something sensitive hitting the E-Group there was nothing more to the Moderation in that, The beloveds say that is not true. All right that’s their opinion

If it was a friendly gesture you would let me know and why.  Get this
After the WS there was as small but very  vocal group incensed that you brought your  divorce issues into the WS and they didn’t pay good money to listen to your personal V&V game etc. etc.  The usual freaking BS.  They were convinced it would wind up on the E-Group, I told them that  [next one please #onscreen]  “that discussion’s about other people are not allowed, not on the E-Group never were and never will be to make sure no flames were fueled on the masses I put another few on moderation at that time,…”  yeah white-blue-core pretty much….       “I understand now that I was buying into their fears    fully owned and for that I sincerely apologize.”  You know   I think this kind of backbiting lying deceptive nonsense has gone on TO LONG!  I cared about the 2 of you , I trusted the 2 of you, I still care about the 2 of you.
What needs to be said next  is what council 1 & 2 had wanted me to say and wanted  me to do it in a way where people understood what is going down here.
  [eh that would be the official one of them #screen)

  Custodial Protectorate Protocol from the MCEO AL-Hum-Bhra Magistracy Councils enacted under the covenant of  Al Hum Bhra for the purpose of protecting al from the misuse and misappropriation of the MCEO Freedom-Teachings.
Point-1: all of the MCEO Ordinations baptisms weddings will be  suspended until further notice, that was announced in the last WS.
Point-2: all of the Kathara Facilitations , client sessions, and hands on teachings demonstrations will be suspended until further notice.  The Kathara-Team practices protocols and operations management Is from this  date forward  Placed under MCEO-AL-Hum-Bhra councils review  all of the Kathara-Team incl teachings  engagements and modules presentations are suspended  until this review and any remedial actions required have been completed.
Now this is from the councils dear speaker 2 and 3. So don’t shoot the messenger please..
During this review period the Kathara-Team and all related activities will be under the direct supervision of the MCEO- AL-Hum-Bhra Magistracy Councils its appointed speaker 1.  yeah  I’m still in good standing.

 and white-blue core-team and designated   appointees, any activities of the Kathara-Team and its members that do not oblige by these above stated MCEO- AL-Hum-Bhra Magistracy Councils custodial protectorate and review will be considered fraudulent activities and will be publicly identified as such and will not be endorsed as legitimate practices by the MCEO and the MCEO Freedom Teachings Trademarks.

Of which I at least still own half,  the Green and Violet shields of the Aquaferion Krystal River Host Shield are from this point under the sole Custodial Protectorate of the MCEO- AL-Hum-Bhra Magistracy Councils and their appointed representative of the white-blue Core shield. So anybody that feels they on violet and blue there is no negotiation , I mean I’m sorry this is what’s going down. I’m sorry I have to be the messenger, but this is what it is. You are all still loved incl the 2 of you(speaker2/3)  this s is what humility can possibly play a part instead of you esan still trying to call me a liar.. good luck with that. You know what THE COSMOS IT WATCHING… love.

The MCEO Speakers contracts for Speaker 2 and 3 are from this day forward permanently suspended and are no longer recognized as legitimate by the MCEO AL-Hum-Bhra Magistracy Councils. Due to defective processes  […part not hearable..]  by both speakers over their 12 years commission,. And im sorry  I have to deliver that message to you.  You broke my heart you brewsed my body and you know what you never touched my line or broke my spirit, I love you still.

For clarity:
the MCEO apprentice contracts for the blue and gold apprenticeship were suspended during private meeting involving the 3 MCEO speakers, and the blue and gold apprentices in October 2010 the 2 apprenticeship’s suspensions were due to 11 counts of deceptive manipulative  and exploitative behavior s that were individually cited during the private meeting. This was not publicly addressed at that time, but is now being so stated for clarity of the record.

note: the violet apprenticeship is still presently active and in good standing  of the MCEO AL-Hum-Bhra Magistracy Councils .   So I am sorry its come to this, it breaks my heart to have to deliver this information it must be confusing for a lot a people in the shield. I don’t really care speaker 2 and 3 what slander you have been running behind my back for years, I don’t rly care what you do to me now in the courts, btw esan still controls all the finances. I get 1500 dollar a month put in my bank account. He does pay like the credit card bills and that kind a stuff of our joint Adashi-account. Honestly let the lawyers figure it out . for the first time I am physically safe.

Clap clap

And that has done something magical for me, you know you can lie though your teeth from now to eternity , but you know what eventually your Lilla catches up with you. We can still work things out peacefully if you would like to, nobody is kicking you of  shield but you did loose your have speaking contracts

Clap clap

And I still love you both, as fellow travellers on the path

Clap clap

So now back to final practical things, what was that new eager.   (talk to someone. and we have these to pass out , yes Darlene has the copies,. Dar you have the copied there , we will work on that  were lucky we had diagrams we will work on that we will get the chart pack a.s.a.p.) no type setting so we will work on that a.s.a.p. we are as you can prolixly can tell under revision of things . so please be patient with us as the 3 speakers work this out and the councils, cause we still don’t have to fight about this  but transparency is the beginning of Synocracy , and Synocracy is only hypocrisy when you don’t have transparency , and if your running these deceptions behind peoples back “what are we doing.. what have we been doing the 2 of you, you know “what ever”  love you. We can still work together but I WILL TELL THE TRUTH!  Anyway this, is our eager for anybody who would like to join. Please be patient with us as we have a little crew that get this going I don’t know how to do a E-Group. But this is one that I can actually post on Ha.  So if anybody wants to hear

MCEO AL-Hum-Bhra Magistracy Councils that is the name of the E-Group . the rest is , I did put a definition there from  the dictionary, so what is that “Magistracy” word and what does it mean, all right the Magistracy is basically the office or diggeny of the magistrate. Magistrates in general. A body of magistrates ok. . A body of magistrates, what Is . magistrates? Those with the power  of putting the law in force. So you are dealing with the AL-Hum-Bhra Magistracy Councils. Now and Esan , I don’t rly care if you wil never serve under the AL-Hum-Bhra Magistracy Councils, we all serve em for the AL-Hum-Bhra Councils whether we like it or not. Because their the big guys in charge, so you know , you can do what you want with that, but im sry that in , I’m sry If I wasted your money by sharing my personal  VV game with you. I am rly sry (audience NO..)  but you know what , you needed to hear all sides of the story before you would be able to make a enough informed decision and the other sides were not allowing that to occur

(Audience THANK YOU clap clap)

So we will start here, as far as I know were still doing the scheduled workshops, I imagine the Lilla is ganna fly after this one.  Ehm I am going to say this as peacefully as possible in my eye of Lilla. And try to absorb myself completely into my pillar of peace, because I don’t know how the other are going to choose to re-act to this event. This event is part of your hologram, you are getting part of your accountability back. Consider that a gift . because once you get your accountability back and actually accept it, than you can move forward in the action of the Kryst. Not just in the Lip-service of it…
so thank you everyone for being here for being patience with the time-frames,.
The Host is in Action. Everyone that chose that accepted that is now under Host and   will get the BPR ok. It will take about to October to fully integrate into your systems . and it’s a good time for everyone of us to think about  what does your Face rly say..  are your actions and your face actually coherent with each other or are the congruent . its time to Actually be Krystic not just pretend
Love you guys please be safe , see you next time ( there is paper copies for anyone whom wants one, I think there at the back. Ok so we did run m off, so you don’t have to write all that down so you can just pickup a copy. And im sorry dear speaker 2 and 3 that that had to happen, and honestly its about time..   but I love you. Good night

Monday, August 5, 2013

DNA *101 & 102* - The Transduction Sequence and the Merkaba

DNA 101 &  DNA 102*

*The Transduction Sequence and the Merkaba
DNA 101
Activations, Consummations, Initiations and DNA Strand Braiding
I have taken the information for tonight’s topic from the MCEO Freedom Teachings as Scribed by E’Asha Ashayana Dean. And is from Voyagers, Secrets of Amenti as well as from her Kathara Healing level 1 program.

There has been some talk amongst some New Age teachings concerning the evolution of the Human DNA and just what this might look like. Today our scientists see our DNA as a two strand or Double Helix DNA configuration. Here we have two Heli that twist around each other and which are joined together by a series of “hand rails”.

News Age teachings now speak of the introduction of the Triple DNA Helix as being the next step in Human evolution. They describe this triple helix configuration as three separate single strands that twist around each other and which have two sets of handrails which joint the three helixes together.
Some have suggested there is now indication of the Quadruple Helix indicating the possibility of a 4 Dimensional Helix configuration. And now they surmise, the Helix can be found in multiple dimensions.

It would be interesting to see just what kind of configuration they would come up with when all 12 Strands of the Human DNA are brought into the picture.
The information that the MCEO Freedom Teachings provides on the re-developing Human DNA is far different than what New Age teachings speculate as to what they believe may be happening, and as I have described above.

For instance the two Helixes themselves and their purpose and formation have not yet been clearly understood. One parental strand of the DNA Helix is created by the mothers’ magnetically oriented particle base, genetic imprint while the other parental strand is created by the fathers’ electrically oriented anti-particle base genetic imprint. It is the two sexes, the male and the female that are instrumental in the creation of the two parental strands. So a third strand, which would suggest a third sex, seems highly unlikely when describing just what a “Triple Helix” configuration might just look like.

What the MCEO Freedom Teachings tell us is that you will always see the double helix configuration in each and every dimension. What will change within the structure of the double helix configuration will be the number of Nucleotide Base pairs, which are the “Hand Rails” between the two parental strands, increase in number. Right now scientist recognize that there are 4 Nucleotide Base Pairs when in fact there should be twelve Nucleotide Base Pairs.

Humanity has been operating on only 4 Base Pairs or Vector Codes since the Lucifer Rebellion took place in 25,500 BC. So as humanity re-evolves up the dimensional scale, each double strand DNA Helix from each dimension will superimpose itself, one upon the next, so you will always see the Double Helix Configuration. What will be viewed as different will be the adding of as yet unrecognized additional Nucleotide Base Pairs as we re-evolve from our 4 base pairs to a complete 12 Nucleotide Base Pairs. It is in the number of new base pairs or “hand rails” themselves that will define just what our 12 Strand DNA Diamond Sun configuration will eventually look like.
Now, let me go back a bit and describe a little bit more about the Human DNA that our scientists still do not yet recognize.

Dimensions, Chakras and DNA Strands all have a direct correlation to each other.
Dimension 1, Chakra 1, and DNA strand 1 are all inter-connected. This understanding helps when one is trying to understand how DNA strand Braiding occurs. In previous shows I discussed and gave diagrams concerning the Kathara Grid. I showed how each Signet represents 1 dimension for a total of 12 signets and 12 dimensions.

Now I will deepen your understanding of the Kathara Grid and the Dimensions within this structure. Each dimension within the Kathara Grid contains 12 Sub-Strand frequency bands that mimic, on a less intense level, the full 12 dimensions of the Kathara Grid itself.

So Dimension 1 would contain 12 Sub-Strand Frequency bands starting with the color frequencies of Red, moving up through Orange, Yellow, Green etc. right up to White which is the 12th dimensional band in the Kathara grid. Now Dimension 1’s main frequency color spectrum would still be within the frequency range represented by the color of Red but it would also contain all the colors of the full 12 strand frequencies within its’ primary color of Red.

All the other Dimensions would each contain the same 12 Sub-strand frequency bands that Dimension 1 has so that within the entire 12 dimensional Kathara Grid itself, you would have a total of 144 Sub-Strand Frequency Bands, 12 Sub-Strand Frequency bands per Dimension times 12 dimensions.

Now when it comes to applying this understanding to your 12 Strand Diamond Sun DNA package, each DNA strand would also contain the equivalent of the 12 Sub-Strand frequency bands of the full 12 Strand DNA package.

Currently, humanities focus of consciousness is collectively nested in the mid-range frequency bands within the 4h dimension. In terms of observable matter solidification, consciousness is always focused one dimension above what we see as “physical reality”. So at our current location in consciousness accretion within the mid-range frequency bands of Dimension 4, we see as solid matter the mid-range frequency bands of the 3rd dimensional. Once your Personal Morphogenetic Field has accreted or magnetically drawn into itself from the Dimensional Unified Field, all 12 of the Sub-Strand frequency bands of dimension 4, the culmination of which is call the “consummation point”, consciousness is transferred into the first of 12 Sub-Strand frequency bands of the next dimension above, which in our case would be 5th dimension. This next beginning phase of dimensional frequency accretion is called the “Initiation Point”. It is at this point that Dimension 4 becomes our new physical reality field. This is how we naturally evolve through the dimensional bands of the Kathara Grid.

What I find interesting is with highly developed mediums that can perceive not only the auric fields of an individual, but the Chakra Vortices themselves. Here they report seeing rainbow colors coming out of each chakra supporting the theory that although each chakra has a main or dominant color frequency, like the first chakra and its main color of Red, but that this Chakra also contains all the other colors of the chakras on a Sub-Strand Frequency level as well.
Now here is truly where it begins to get interesting.

Let us say your consciousness is in the processes of accreting frequency at the 6th Sub-Strand frequency band of the 4th Dimension or at a range of 4.5. (now remember, you have a total of 12 Sub-Strand frequency bands and half of 12 is 6). At a consciousness level of 4.5, what you are seeing physically is the frequency range of 3.5 dimensionally speaking. Whatever thoughts you have now at this 4.5 level of consciousness is now being programed into your 4th DNA strand at the 4.5 frequency range.

This thought now becomes a manifest part of your 4th DNA strand template and has been entered into your Cellular Memory at this frequency accretion level. It is now stored at this level in the sub-atomic particles of which the body’s cells are composed of. Once your consciousness has moved up to the frequency accretion, dimensional level of 5.5, what thoughts you embedded into your 4th DNA Strand at the 4.5 level which have been lying dormant in your cellular structure, begin to manifest into physicality and into your perceivable reality field.

So everything you are seeing in physicality right now, you actually entered into your cellular memory when your consciousness was nested within and was accreting frequencies from the third dimension.
Everything you are thinking and learning about life in the fourth dimension today, RIGHT NOW; all these wonderful abilities you may have heard and may be asking for yourself, abilities such as clairaudience, clairvoyance, telepathy, all these sense facilities that are associated with 4th dimensional experiences will only begin to manifest into your physical reality field when you have begun to accrete the 5th dimensional frequencies, or 1 octave above where you first embedded these thoughts.

Most people do not know this a try and try various techniques and visualizations and berate themselves thinking that something must be wrong with them because they are not achieving success.  The problem lies within their current level of consciousness. They will continue to to have no successes because they are still in the processes of completing full accretion of the 4th dimensional band. They have not yet reached the consummation point of the forth dimensional band so they will not at this point see evidence of these abilities until they have reached well past the initiated stage of the 5thth dimensional frequency accretion and have reached 1 full octave above where they originally set the morphogenetic thought pattern into their cellular structure within their DNA.

This is all fine and dandy but there is a way that you can actually change your present situation and what you are currently seeing now with new thoughts that you are having NOW in this moment. You do not have to wait until your consciousness has elevated 1 octave above in order to see your seeded thoughts manifest today. Many within the New Age community are tinkering with the mechanics of how this is done all from the understanding that all time is simultaneous and everything is happening right now. Your future as well as your past is happening right now.

This level of manifestation technique is still quite a way from being realized for most of Humanity but as we better understand the mechanics of inter-dimensional physics and continue to test our abilities, we will eventually hone this technique of “instant manifestation”.

Now the Guardians have only hinted as to the technicals’ behind how this may be done. It involves changing your past to affect your present. Technically you would seed your now thought into the dimensional band 1 octave below where you are currently focused which will affect and change your present moment in real time. First, however, the Guardians have suggested that we get good at honing our de-manifestation abilities before we tackle manifestation abilities. I think I may be too impatient to wait. I say lets train our-selves to do both at the same time! I just have to “tap” into that part of me that already knows how to do this… now if only my physical body could just catch up…

Now, there is quite a bit more to our DNA that science has not yet recognized. As I stated above with each Charka and Dimension there is one DNA Strand. Within the Human Crystal body anatomy as shown in the Kathara Grid with its 12 Kathara Centers, that translates into 12 Chakras as well as 12 DNA strands, you have other structures which regulate the energy between these centers as well as well as activation of the Merkaba Fields, which in turn allows the transmutation of form from one harmonic universe to the next.

Here we will touch briefly on new terms within the functioning DNA strands that allow this transmutation to occur.

These new terms are Seed Crystal Seals, Star Crystal Seals, DNA Seed Codes – Base Codes and Acceleration Codes as well as Fire Letters and Vector codes.

In the diagram below I have shown within the Human anatomy just where the Chakras are, as well as where the Seed Crystal Seal fit in the center of the bow-like structure of the Chakra.

The Seed Crystal Seeds
Within the structure of 15 dimensional human bio-energetic fields as well as within the structure of a planet there are 15 Morphogenetic Seed Crystals.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Ascension and The Kathara Grid

June 29, 2013 Ron Mayer 
produced by Consciousness Unlimited Radio Network and can be found at

Ascension and The Kathara Grid
Information from tonight’s topic is taken from
the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order Freedom teachings
as scribed by Ashayana Dean.

Its 5 o’clock in the morning and it’s still pitch black. You shut off your alarm clock, turn on the bedside lamp and slowly get out of bed. You stand and stretch for a moment and then you remember with excitement, you will be in Fiji in just a little over 22 hours. It’s a long flight but one you have done a number of times in the past to one of your favorite vacations spots.

You trod off to the rest room and in your mind you make a final mental checklist of all the things you have been organizing for weeks that you will need to make this vacation the best one yet!

Pass ports                 -           check
Boarding pass          -           check
Camera                     -           check
MP3 player               -           check
Hotel reservations -           check
Travel excursions    -           check
Map of the island    -           check, check
I must remember to pack my electric razor and the rest of my toiletries once I have finished using them this morning.          -            Check

In that moment you realize that it takes quite a bit of planning and preparation before going on a simple 2 week vacation. You’ve taken great care in knowing all aspects of the trip. How to get from point A to point B. What the weather will be like so you pack the appropriate clothing. You have taken care of everything that you will need to have a pleasant journey as well as a joyful exciting time while you are there.

Now this you do for just a simple two week vacation but what do you do for the most important trip you will ever make in this life time? The most important trip you will ever make in any life time on this planet?

This most important trip that I speak of is the one called Ascension.

What exactly do most people know about ascension?
What is ascension?
When does this voyage happen?
How will this happen?
And perhaps the most compelling question of all?
Just exactly where is it that I am going when I ascend?

To answer any of these questions we will have to explore a little more about something called a Kithara Grid. For this the Kathara Grid is indeed a “road map” if you will and can be used to indicate just where you go when you ascend. In fact, the Kathara Grid not only functions as a map within the structure of the “God Worlds” themselves, but is also used to show many other facets of our biology, including Merkaba mechanics to forming your personal “Pillar of Power” to Lotus Arc breathing, to the TiL-e-’a Sphere or the real Christ Consciousness Grid that surrounds the planet. You will find that as we continue to explore the world of Keylontic Science that this Kathara Grid will present itself more and more on both the micro as well as on the macro levels of these various structures.
Now, I will attempt to describe just what this Kathara Grid looks like but for those of you who’s consciousness are more stimulated by visuals, you will find all of tonight’s diagrams on our Facebook page at ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ For those listeners tonight that are not near a computer and are perhaps just using their cell phone, when you get a chance after tonight’s program, take a look at the diagrams to better understand just what I am about to describe to you.

The Kathara Grid looks like a six sided diamond shaped hexagon where the points of the hexagon are at the top and the bottom. This shape is then streched out where the shape is twice as long as it is wide. It is perfectly constructed and perfectly balanced. The shape must be very precise for this shape is duplicated and joined together in such a way that if the shape is slightly misshaped or if it is missing any elements, the structure looses is cohesive integrity and will not be able to create an energetic structure that is eternal and energetically connected to creator in what is called the Star Step Creation pattern or the Maps of the God Worlds.
Kathara Grid SS #1 19JUN2013

By Ron Mayer

Upon this structure are 12 Kathara Centers known as Signets. These signets are numbered 1 through to 12 and represent the dimensions 1 through 12 that make up the Kathara 12 Tree Grid. You all have seen the seven primary colors of the chakras. There are an additional 5 more colors in the wave spectra that are added here for a total of 12 colors or wave spectra in this 12 Tree Grid. They are as follows from the lowest to the highest they are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet-Blue or Indigo blue, Violet, Gold, Silver, Blue black, Silver-black and White. As I mentioned above each Signet associates with one dimension, one chakra and 1 DNA strand.

What I have described so far is a fairly basic and simple structure right?

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Metatronic - ' Flower Of Life ' & ' Tree Of Life ' Deceptions

'Flower Of Life' & 'Tree Of Life' Deceptions
 Tuesday, June 11, 2013

“You have to take seriously the notion that understanding the universe is your responsibility, because the only understanding of the universe that will be useful to you is your own understanding.”
― Terence McKenna

"Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering its a feather bed."
Terence McKenna

"The syntactical nature of reality, the real secret of magic, is that the world is made of words. And if you know the words that the world is made of, you can make of it whatever you wish."
Terence McKenna


What follows is a summarized intro to sacred geometry and esoteric mathematics, particularly that of the Fibonacci/Golden Ratio/Flower of Life.

What Is Sacred Geometry?

The standard definition of Sacred geometry is the geometry used in the planning and construction of religious structures such as churches, temples, mosques, religious monuments, altars, tabernacles; as well as for sacred spaces such as temenoi, sacred groves, village greens and holy wells, and the creation of religious art. In sacred geometry, symbolic and sacred meanings are ascribed to certain geometric shapes and certain geometric proportions. (Wiki)

Pythagoras is often credited for discovering that an oscillating string stopped halfway along its length produces an octave relative to the string's fundamental, while a ratio of 2:3 produces a perfect fifth and 3:4 produces a perfect fourth. However the Chinese culture already featured the same mathematical positions on the Guqin and the tone holes in flutes, so Pythagoras was not the first. Pythagoreans believed that these harmonic ratios gave music powers of healing which could "harmonize" an out-of-balance body (Wiki)

Although it is more than just architecture designed to shapes with religious meaning and values. These shapes are used because these religious traditions understand, or perhaps understood at one time the deeper esoteric principles those shapes, patterns, and ratios represent.

When i talk about sacred geometry I mean it defined in this way: The perennial sacred art-science dedicated to the study and applications of Harmonic power and the symbolic Shapes, Patterns & Numbers that constitute the language of nature & consciousness as a universal code of creation.

Sacred Geometry is an ancient-future cosmic wisdom we are fast reclaiming. Under the new labels of Design Science, Fractal Harmonics, DNA Resonance and Scale-Invariance Physics, we are walking again the higher turn of humanity's spiritual spiral.

Sacred Geometry is currently re-discovered as a knowledge KEY for shifting to a new paradigm of universal wholeness and loving inter-connectedness with the Web of Life. Traditional wisdom holds the universe to exist because of a profound harmonic order. From the quantum vacuum to atoms to DNA to galaxies, certain precisely reoccuring ratios and geometric symmetries are the foundation of the whole cosmos.

The contemporary faces of Sacred Geometry are called: Design Science, Fractality, Invariance-scale Physics, Phi Recursiveness, Hyper-Harmonics, Self-Similarity and Quantum Geometry...

The study, understanding & applications of Sacred Geometry in nature and in consciousness offers a needed and substantial gift: to open our human awareness to perceive again a living, interconnected, intelligent and benevolent universe. Sacred Geometry is the collective re-appearance of our deep innate wisdom: seeing and becoming the all-encompassing Unity of Life...

... so that the heavens can be understood as spiritual realms preceding and continuing life on earth; harmonic chords can be played by celestial bodies choreographing graceful time-space dances; the "Big Bang" can be heard as the Primordial Song of the Universe and each star can be smiling to each flower... while the human family is holding hands with all of creation... - (School of Sacred Geometry)

What is the Fibonacci Sequence?

Fibonacci Sequence
The Fibonacci Sequence is the series of numbers:
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ...

The next number is found by adding up the two numbers before it.

The 2 is found by adding the two numbers before it (1+1)
Similarly, the 3 is found by adding the two numbers before it (1+2),
And the 5 is (2+3),
and so on!
Example: the next number in the sequence above would be 21+34 = 55
It is that simple!

Here is a longer list:

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368, 75025, 121393, 196418, 317811, ...

When you make squares with those widths, you get a spiral:

Fibonacci Spiral 


Do you see how the squares fit neatly together?
For example 5 and 8 make 13, 8 and 13 make 21, and so on.
The Fibonacci Sequence can be written as a "Rule" (see Sequences and Series).

First, the terms are numbered from 0 onwards like this:
n = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ...
xn = 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 ...
So term number 6 is called x6 (which equals 8).
Example: the 8th term is
the 7th term plus the 6th term:
x8 = x7 + x6

So we can write the rule:
The Rule is xn = xn-1 + xn-2

xn is term number "n"
xn-1 is the previous term (n-1)
xn-2 is the term before that (n-2)

Example: term 9 would be calculated like this:

x9 = x9-1 + x9-2 = x8 + x7 = 21 + 13 = 34

Golden Ratio

And here is a surprise. If you take any two successive (one after the other) Fibonacci Numbers, their ratio is very close to the Golden Ratio "φ" which is approximately 1.618034...

In fact, the bigger the pair of Fibonacci Numbers, the closer the approximation.

About Fibonacci The Man

His real name was Leonardo Pisano Bogollo, and he lived between 1170 and 1250 in Italy.

"Fibonacci" was his nickname, which roughly means "Son of Bonacci".

As well as being famous for the Fibonacci Sequence, he helped spread through Europe the use of Hindu-Arabic Numerals (like our present number system 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) to replace Roman Numerals (I, II, III, IV, V, etc). That has saved us all a lot of trouble! Thank you Leonardo.

(Maths is
The golden ratio can be seen throughout nature, in pincones, flowers, shells, tree branches, even the proportions of the human face and body.

What is The Torus Field?
In geometry, a torus (pl. tori) is a surface of revolution generated by revolving a circle in three-dimensional space about an axis coplanar with the circle. If the axis of revolution does not touch the circle, the surface has a ring shape and is called a ring torus or simply torus if the ring shape is implicit.

When the axis is tangent to the circle, the resulting surface is called a horn torus; when the axis is a chord of the circle, it is called a spindle torus. A degenerate case is when the axis is a diameter of the circle, which simply generates a 2-sphere. The ring torus bounds a solid known as a toroid. The adjective toroidal can be applied to tori, toroids or, more generally, any ring shape as in toroidal inductors and transformers. Real-world examples of (approximately) toroidal objects include doughnuts, vadais, inner tubes, bagels, many lifebuoys, O-rings and vortex rings.

In topology, a ring torus is homeomorphic to the Cartesian product of two circles: S1 × S1, and the latter is taken to be the definition in that context. It is a compact 2-manifold of genus 1. The ring torus is one way to embed this space into Euclidean space, but another way to do this is the Cartesian product of the embedding of S1 in the plane. This produces a geometric object called the Clifford torus, surface in 4-space.

The word torus comes from the Latin word meaning cushion. (Wiki)

As the distance to the axis of revolution decreases, the ring torus becomes a horn torus, then a spindle torus, and finally degenerates into a sphere.

This image shows the famous Milk Hill Crop Circle. it shows the dynamics of the spin of the torus from a top-down perspective. You can view my article on this crop circle and watch it be set in motion spinning from it's center axis, go here:

What is The Vector Equilibrium?

The underlying structure of the torus is the Vector Equilibrium, or “VE.” It is the blueprint by which nature forms energy into matter. Buckminster Fuller, one of the 20th Century’s most prolific inventors, coined the term Vector Equilibrium. He named it this because the “VE” is the only geometric form where all forces are equal and balanced. The energy lines (vectors) are of equal length and strength. They represent the energy of attraction and repulsion, like you can feel with a magnet.

You can’t actually observe the “VE” in the material world because it is the geometry of absolute balance. What we experience on Earth is always expanding toward and contracting away from absolute equilibrium. Like a wave arising from the surface of a tranquil sea, a material form is born (unfolds) from the plenum (fullness) of energy (ironically referred to by physicists as “the vacuum!”) and dies (enfolds) back into it. The VE is like the imaginable – yet invisible – mother of all the shapes and symmetries we see in the world.
What is Metatron's cube?


Metatron's cube depicts the five platonic solids which may be derived form the flower of life. The five platonic solids are geometrical forms which are said to act as a template from which all life springs, according to spiritual belief. The Platonic solids are five structures that are crucial because they are the building blocks of organic life. These five structures are found in minerals, animated and organic life forms, sound, music, language, etc. Metatron's cube is also considered a holy glyph, used to ward off evil spirits. The Kabbalah's Tree of life is also thought to be derived from the flower of life.

Vacuum Geometry:
The geometry of the fabric of the vacuum of space expands outward from any point of reference in octaves of perfectly balanced tetrahedrons. Each octave of perfect balance is a geometry Buckminster Fuller called the Vector equilibrium, otherwise known as a cube octahedron.

The cube octahedron is made of 8 tetrahedrons pointing inward to a single point and the star tetrahedron is made of 8 tetrahedrons pointing outward, so you have both the expansive side of the vacuum (electromagnetism) and the contractive side (gravity) represented in the geometry of the space itself.

The doubling in size of the vector equilibriums in space happen in the same way octaves from in the doubling of frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum.


All things are connected to all other things by the one thing that is everywhere no matter where you go: SPACE!

64 is the fewest number of tetrahedrons you need to form 2 octaves of perfectly balanced geometry... what Buckminster Fuller called the Vector equilibrium. This is the seed geometry of the holofractalgraphic vacuum structure according to Nassim Haramein...

As well:
• 64 codons in human DNA
• 64 hexagrams in the I-Ching
• 64 cells is how many we have before our cells star to bifurcate shortly after birth
• 64 things are needed to be able to approach the Ark of the Covenant according to the copper scrolls among the Dead Sea Scrolls
• 64 is fundamental in computer memory and coding
• even The Beatles knew: "When I'm 64"

Here we see this expressed in 3D, and lo and behold the shadow of this shape makes a perfect 
Flower of Life.

This all could, of course, be a coincidence...

What is the Vesica Picses?

What is the Flower of Life?

The Flower of Life is a name for a geometrical figure composed of multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles. This figure, used as a decorative motif since ancient times, forms a flower-like pattern with the symmetrical structure of a hexagon.


A "Flower of Life" figure consists of seven or more overlapping circles, in which the center of each circle is on the circumference of up to six surrounding circles of the same diameter. However, the surrounding circles need not be clearly or completely drawn; in fact, some ancient symbols that are claimed as examples of the Flower of Life contain only a single circle or hexagon.


It has been helped into common knowledge by the new age authors such as Drunvalo Melchizedek.

Figures as prominent as Leonardo da Vinci ascribed significance to the Flower of Life and three similar symbols, called the "Egg of Life," the "Fruit of Life," the "Seed of Life. These figures have historically been considered symbols of sacred geometry, with some authors asserting that they represent ancient spiritual beliefs, and that they depict fundamental aspects of space and time Melchizedek claims that Metatron's Cube may be derived from the Flower of Life pattern, and that the Platonic solids within it were "thought to act as a template from which all life springs.
FOL evo

The Flower of Life and the Seed of Life are linked by New Age authors with the Biblical prophet Enoch, the Archangel Metatron, the six days of Creation, the Vesica Piscis religious symbol, and Borromean rings. (wiki)

Kabbalah / Judaism

The symbol of the Tree of Life, which may be derived from the design of the Flower of Life, is studied as part of the teachings of non-Jewish Hermetic Qabalah.

New Age
In New Age thought, the Flower of Life has provided what is considered to be deep spiritual meaning and forms of enlightenment to those who have studied it as sacred geometry.There are various groups all over the world who derive particular beliefs and forms of meditation based (at least in part) on the Flower of Life (Wiki)

The "Flower of Life" can be found in all major religions of the world. It contains the patterns of creation as they emerged from the "Great Void". Everything is made from the Creator's thought.

After the creation of the Seed of Life the same vortex's motion was continued, creating the next structure known as the Egg of Life. This structure forms the basis for music, as the distances between the spheres is identical to the distances between the tones and the half tones in music. It is also identical to the cellular structure of the third embryonic division (The first cell divides into two cells, then to four cells then to eight). Thus this same structure as it is further developed, creates the human body and all of the energy systems including the ones used to create the Merkaba.

If we continue creating more and more spheres we will end up with the structure called the Flower of Life.

The Flower of Life (left) and the Seed of Life (right).

The flower of life holds a secret symbol created by drawing 13 circles out of the Flower of Life. By doing this, one can discover the most important and sacred pattern in the universe. This is the source of all that exists; it's called the Fruit of Life. It contains 13 informational systems. Each one explains another aspect of reality. Thus these systems are able to give us access to everything ranging from the human body to the galaxies. In the first system, for example, it's possible to create any molecular structure and any living cellular structure that exists in the universe. In short every living creature.

The most common form of the "Flower of Life" is hexagonal pattern (where the center of each circle is on the circumference of six surrounding circles of the same diameter), made up of 19 complete circles and 36 partial circular arcs, enclosed by a large circle.

The "Seed of Life" is formed from seven circles being placed with sixfold symmetry, forming a pattern of circles and lenses, which acts as a basic component of the Flower of Life's design.

It's been known to humanity for tens of thousands of years, and we can find traces of this knowledge passed down through all the religions and cultures of the world.

Flower of Life - Turkey

Flower of Life - Amistar, India

Temple in Spain -

The Osirian Temple at Abydos in Egypt, we find the same. They are at least over 6,000 years old and may date back to as long ago as 10,500 B.C. or earlier.and can be found on a 100 ton granite boulder. The interesting thing about it is that forensics discovered the images not to be carved into the rock like most conventional petroglyphs, but instead seems to be 'burned' into the rock under extreme heat and pressure, with almost a laser-like precision we would find difficult to replicate even today. It's probably going to stick around for quite some time.

In china a popular motif is the Dragon or Lion which guards the so-called sacred knowledge under it's paw. Found commonly in Beijing.

Leonardo da Vinci has studied the Flower of Life's form and its mathematical properties. He has drawn the Flower of Life itself, as well as components therein, such as the Seed of Life.

He has drawn geometric figures representing shapes such as the platonic solids, a sphere, a torus, etc., and has also used the golden ratio of phi in his artwork; all of which may be derived from the Flower of Life design.


We do not see with our eyes, we see through our eyes. Let your mind focus, don't fight it.

3. Flower of life with two layers added.

What appears is a reptilian entity apparently.

This creature is said to be very frightening and fierce looking, and I can not assure you it can do you no harm. I know this sounds mad, but it is true and very real. After you get used to interacting with the reptilian, you can move on to the next entity. To interact with the second being you must rotate the flower by 30 degrees and repeat the steps.

The second being is the Chinese dragon ( the fu dog). This creature is even more frightening than the first, so be prepared. Again, this creature cannot harm you in anyway. Somehow these entities are in suspended animation. They are real but they do not and cannot move. I know within freemasonry, they call the first entity "the khaibit man". You need to have been initiated into the 10th degree to be aware of the khaibit man. As part of the initiation into the 10th degree, the khaibit man is conjured up in front of you.

You may know that the complete flower contains the kabbalah`s tree of life, the fruit, the egg and the seed of life (pic. 4 & 5).

4. The Kabbalah Tree of Life derived from the Flower of Life.

5. The Kabbalah Tree of Life derived from the Flower of Life.

The complete flower also contains the three dimensional metatron cube (pic6), which holds all the Platonic solids (pic7). Not just the building blocks of life, but the building blocks of creation itself.

6. Metatron Cube
7. Platonic Solids

I found this symbol on a knights templar tombstone (pic. 9), found within the St Magnus cathedral in Kirkwall, Orkney (pic. 8).

8. St Magnus cathedral in Kirkwall

9. Knights Templar tombstone from St Magnus cathedral in Kirkwall


I believe this symbol is a representation of the egg of life (pic.10),which is the second rotation of the first layer of the complete flower of life (pic. 11).
10. The egg of life (left)

11. The second rotation of the first layer of the complete flower of life (right)

I was born and bred and now live back in Kirkwall. At no time did I ever get taught at school, that there was any knights templars who came from or to Orkney.

For whatever reason, the computer generated flower (pic. 12) does not work for the contemplation. It does contain all Freemasonry's sacred symbols.

I thought I'd add this picture as you will recognize the pattern (pic13).

13. Pattern of snake's skin 


The complete flower of life does have another use. If you overlay a map (after getting the correct scale) with the complete flower of life, all sacred sites, standing stones etc, will sit at the centre of six points. This picture gives you idea how the grid looks (pic.14).

14. If you overlay a map (after getting the correct scale) with the complete flower of life, all sacred sites, standing stones etc, will sit at the centre of six points.
Here is more of it found in Crop Circles. (Mostly in England, Wiltshire)

Fibonacci, Phi, Flower of Life, Golden Mean/Ratio, Vector Equilibrium, Metatronic Spiral, Torus Field, even the yin yang all contain these distorted proportions and interconnect.

See here how the tree of life creates the VE.



I have to contend that although this ratio can be found to the extents of our galaxy that is does not actually represent the natural progression of life, but instead the inorganic digression into physical death. The milky way itself may be victim to this artificial pattern and have 'fallen' from the M31 Andromeda galaxy. In this case the majority of life and matter and subtle forces may adhere to and match this specific ratio and pattern, but it might not be the same in other galaxies.

Incidentally, if all you can see as far as the horizons of the galaxy is this same pattern, of course you would assume it was natural. Our whole Universe may even be eventually conforming into this finite fibonacci fractal, and that is something I do not wish to happen, if what I know about the Flower of Life is indeed true. In which case, the Flower of Life should be more appropriately dubbed, the Daisy of Death. Now I have shown you the conventional thought behind this geometry now I will dive a little deeper into it and show you what the popular teachers are not telling you.

Is there any artificially induced and distorted life pattern propogating throughout our world, and expanding through our reality? A reverse-creation mathematical encryption derrived and warped from an original divine blueprint and primal cosmic order? I'll present the information, you can make up your own mind. I used to be heavily into qabalah myself, but I always sensed something was wrong with the tree of life. Look at it's shape and dimensions, does it feel right and perfect, or does it feel like maybe something is... missing?


What follows next is my old article which was mysteriously deleted somehow. Luckily it was circling around the net a bit so I was able to recover it, and expand it. Whoever does not like me revealing this information will have to try much harder to supress it. 


This is what is commonly referred to as the Flower of Life, AKA: the Daisy of Death, and is somehow passed as ‘sacred’ geometry.

The metatronic code problems began billions of years ago in another time matrix with the fall of a specific collective. The point is that the metatronic code is not a new thing and certainly the FOL was not something Drunvalo came up with. He is simply one of the contemporary sources who are promoting it. There are lots of wonderful things in Drunvalo’s teachings but the core of what he is getting at in his teachings is the Metatronic code and his unnatural way to spin your merkaba which causes molecular compaction of the seed atom leading to a loss of eternal life status (ie. metatronic). The reason it is seen in so many ancient cultures is because various people and collectives where actively promoting it then just as they are now.

In the FOL pattern the diagonals are set at 60 degrees. This is an unnatural energetic and geometrical relationship that prevents the spheres from phasing correctly with the top sphere (think 3 balls like a pyramid), thus preventing back flow return from god-source. When spheres can’t phase and spark correctly, they become cut off from the normal flows of eternal life currents and become metatronic. The metatronic code is therefore based on 2 spheres (vesica pices) instead of the eternal life 3 spheres (tri-veca phase unit). The FOL is simply taking the vesica pices and expanding on it. Once you can spot this 60 degree diagonal (vs 45 degree in Krystiac eternal life structures) you can easily differentiate between Krystiac and metatronic easily. Most crop circles are based on the FOL geometry of 60 degrees so it’s easy to determine the agendas behind them.The FOL geometry is a soul harvesting net. It forces peoples Merkabas to spin in ways that (long term) prevents ascension.

Unless deprogrammed…

A method that perpetuates the paradigm of taking a soul, as opposed to giving.

Keeps one in the Lower Self = EGO.

The over-lapping circles (as much as it all fits nicely together), only capture and entrap your love/light energy. There is nothing Sacred about it. The real Sacred Geometry is found elsewhere, like Fibonacci, and in Marko Rodin’s work, and deeper, electromagnetics for just one example. They are creation.

To deprogram:

Connect to your heart space and ask SOURCE that all mutations in merkaba spin be cleared and cleaned away.Activate with intention [Pale SILVER + clear bright WHITE light] all as one colour.Activate this colour as a pillar or sphere.

Then cleanse each chakra with crystalline WHITE light (sphere or pillar) around your entire body, that reaches beyond the head & beyond the feet.

I also highly recommend the study of the energy mechanics, and the practice of the dynamics in Keylontic Morphogenetic Science. Begin with the Maharic Shield to anchor the D-12 un-distorted Krystic frequencies.

Now you can ascend correctly (if you choose to), by Trusting your HEART & cleaning up your EGO. Ascension only occurs when based on truth, light and wisdom of the HEART.

The flower of LOVE and its infinite possibilities exist as your infinite and loving heart. It is not confined to any geometric pattern. It is free to be itself – it is source in manifestation, capable of infinite greatness and unconditional love.

The geometries, I kind of like them and they are pretty to look at, at first, but then i start to feel the underlying intent behind them and the frequencies they carry, which are ‘metatronicly’ tuned.

What this pic actually represents more than anything else, is Molecular Compaction. This all ties in with the Blank Slate Technology (BeaST) and the ‘666’ metatronic alignment code.

Anti-Kristiac – Metatronic Coding

It means to digress from the original “Christos” Divine Blueprint. When the Precise Mathematical-Geometrical Instructions for Perpetual Motion of the Original Creation Program – the Krist Code – from God Source is altered or modified in any way (Anti-Christiac Expression), the self-regeneration abilities (perpetual life) of the manifest forms is interrupted leading to destruction of the corresponding matter-form via self-annihilation of the Partiki units (pre-matter units of conscious energy).

Altering the precise Krist Code encryption configuration of perpetual motion and eternal life breaks the link with God-Source infinite energy supply. Since the modified coding can not receive any more energy directly from Source only a LIMITED SUPPLY of energy remains within its own shield template functioning as a black hole system that has to suck energy from other systems and progressively self consumes, therefore, has a Finite Life.

This is the Metatronic (Anti-Christiac) Code Configuration (Reverse Mutation) and unfortunately for anybody who seeks true self master and empowerment, or ascension into eternal life spirals, this is a seriously abundant problem in the spiritual movements these days.

When this happens the manifest being is unable to fulfil the Primal Purpose and maintain the Primal Condition – this is the Fall.

The ‘fall’, due to Metatronic Code Configuration, is the result of excessive misuse of Free Will Choice of Opposite Expression of Divine Intention reaching a point at which it jeopardizes the Perpetual Motion, Eternal Life expression and continued existence of Cosmic Order.

The word metatronic, is actually derived from ‘Metatron’, which is not just a singular ‘Arch-angel’ as taught in most nu-age and qabalistic circles, but is the name of a family collective; a family collective out of an entity. An entity is the first level of Ascended Masters consciousness collective.

The Metatron collective fell, loosing its Krist Code encryption because there is a law of physics that says that if you are an Ascended Master being and send in more than a natural proportion of your energy into the time matrix, say for a salvage mission, if the salvage team you sent in goes down, it takes the whole collective down. I believe this is exactly what happened.

The collective made a decision that it would use its knowledge of Primal Creation Physics, and that it would take over this time matrix. (That was originally what its fallen parts had wanted, and what the rest had tried to stop).

As long as they were able to feed off something else that had its life force connection to Source, they wouldn’t go into implosion. (Molecular Compaction)

They were able to create a way of feeding energy off this time matrix and off the Phantom Matrix into their Time Matrix.

If those two matrices (ours and phantom) were severed, they would go into implosion eventually. They’d get a few billion years of evolution out of it, but, eventually, they would be a deteriorating system. They would become extinct in terms of the race identity that they held. They would go back to Source as space dust, which is, as fragmented units of consciousness (Oblivion) and that was unacceptable to them.

They created artificial light through a particular synthesis of mathematics producing a totally polarized light through this process. In their universe, everything is bi-polar.

The Metatronic bodies that were created through their programming are very interesting structures. They take part of what would be a normal living biological structure, and they take out certain parts of the template that are missing and they plug in certain parts of the template together.

When there’s not 30% left of the original template where you can do bio-regenesis to plug it back in to its natural Divine Blueprint. It creates an atrocity and it creates something that is not compatible with the mathematics or the scalar frequencies of the Christos Divine Blueprint for this Time Matrix or any other one.

So, in making a choice to be immortal, they made a choice to be finite, because their immortality is dependent on sucking energy from living things, living matrices.

They take no responsibility for the fact that they’re the ones that created this blasphemy of science.

They sealed their own destiny when they created the Metatronic distortion. And at this point, they are simply trying to feed on whatever is available. These fallen, finite geometries are the main tools used. These metatronic frequencies are not just an issue here for Earth, but for the whole universe and it’s multi-dimensional anatomy.

It’s not like this pic is going to kill you or anything lol, don’t get me wrong, i actually like it, so long as people are aware of the underlying energetic coding that is present and it’s subtle effects on our own multi-dimensional anatomy.

Prime examples of metatronic geometries and frequencies, that i will share with you but spare you the details are: the un-natural and inorganic ‘Golden Mean(ie)’ spiral, Phi. Any geometry based upon the Fibonacci formula (AKA; Fib-of-no-chi). Proportions used in this pic seem to be aligned with them. The Golden Mean & Fibonacci spirals have no direct connection to their centers. The rectangles & squares being empty have little inner structure. They need external structures to get them going. They are progressively removed from Source.

In it’s early stages the Fibonacci spiral isn’t a proper spiral. As it expands it approximates to the Golden Mean spiral, but only to a scaled down version of it. The Fibonacci spiral doesn’t have in inner spiral, i.e. it’s incapable of converging towards the center.

The Fibonacci sequence features a sequence of numerical expansion in which the “next expansion number” to come is reached by “adding together” or “devouring” the two numbers that come before it.

If we think of each number as a quantum of energy, then the two previous numbers are “added together” and consumed in order to “become the next number,” leaving nothing in their place; the “numbers before” become “finite quanta” that must “disappear or die” in order for the next number to be “born.” Thus the “numbers” within the Fibonacci sequence ALL represent finite energy forms that will be consumed and cease to exist, in order for the next generation to emerge.

Also, there is The Torus, but what i know it by as The Poison Apple, or Gravitron.

The Gravitron is a part of the BeaST (Blank Slate Technology) machine that hold the tilt of planet Earth at it’s un-natural and artificially sustained 23.5 degrees angle and is becoming aligned with the natural Earth’s Staff. First seeded in Density-3 (Harmonic Universe 3, dimensions 7, 8, 9) 570MYA by the Metatrons (Budhara-Shan-tar-eL) and continued by the ThE-tans, the Gravitron vortex networks was linked between our Sun and Earth twisting the Tauren up side down in a unnatural configuration called Demon Seed.The Planetary Reusha-tA spiral is harnessed and turned into a set of vortices (The gravitron) which creates an unnatural artificial gravitational field on this planet and is one of the things that one has to override in order to levitate or fly again. The Gravitron is an electromagnetic harness field that is part of a larger electromagnetic harnessing structure called the Net that anchors at a particular angle in Mexico through the Mayan Temples kicking more storms since it has been progressively activated. (2005)All these Gravitron vortices doing the wrong thing generates the Poison Apple field, which is a configuration of energy that holds the 23.5 degrees tilt on the Earth’s planetary axis. (Staff)These are Black Hole technologies that were orchestrated on purpose by which this planet has been imprisoned for quite a long time. You will see these on an unfortunate and massive uprise as time moves on now (Seen the movie Thrive? a good example)There is also “Metatron’s Cube”, google that if you’ve never heard of it, but beware of any accompanying information which is more likely than not, fallen, biased, spiritual propaganda.

Below: Template Comparison & Eckasha Holy Trinity Creation Paradigm

What is ‘false’ ascension science?

“False Sacred Science” teachings, and the inorganic environmental and biological consequences created through their use, are built upon convoluted, self-serving perversions of the organic Laws of Multidimensional Physics.

Applications of these “twisted multidimensional science” teachings,historically engaged on Earth throughout different periods over many thousands of years, has taken a terrible toll on human evolution and on the state of our planetary environment.

The “false Sacred Science” teachings emerged from periods in our ancient and pre-ancient past, during the historically ignored “ancient advanced Earth cultures” currently associated with “Atlantean and Lemurian mythology.” During these ancient times, many environmental and biological horrors were created through application of the “false Sacred Sciences”; the technologies that emerged from these teachings represented a perversion of the organic, living multidimensional technologies that were once available through applications of genuine “Sacred Science.”

In ancient advanced cultures, the “false Sacred Science” teachings became known as the “Death Sciences,” because reduction of eternal-life potential to finite-life de-evolution was the eventual result of their applications— regardless of what temporary benefits of finite power such technologies supplied.Since 1999 the MCEO Guardians’ teachings have provided an ongoing, comprehensive study of the “Cosmic Context, Structures and Dynamics” of space-time-matter creation and spiritual evolution, of planetary, galactic and universal “lost history” and of the contemporary “Big Picture Drama.”

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® have also provided a progressive program of studies in advanced multidimensional anatomy,including studies of: 15-Dimensional Anatomy; the 15-Chakra System, Axiatonal & Meridian Lines; the Light Body, Rasha Dark-matter Body, Elum’Eir-adhona Spirit Body, Aah-JhA’ Hydro-acoustic Body and Jha-DA’ Body; fetal integration, Bhardoah, growth cycles, Evolutionary Ascension Cycles, DNA, and much more.

Progressively since 2000, the CDT-Plate translations and MCEO teachings have revealed many long-hidden secrets pertaining to the “Science of Ascension,” which includes the organic processesof interdimensional and trans-dimensional atomic Transmutation, Transfiguration, Translocation and Transmigration.

In our learning of the actual organic processes by which — and cosmic structures through which — the bio-spiritual dynamics of “Ascension” can occur, we have also received an extensive amount of information on the intentional historical distortions of “Ascension Science teachings.” Through learning about the organic intricate structures, genuine processes and Natural Laws of Multidimensional Physics through which actual “Bio-Spiritual Ascension” (for “planets or people”) can take place, the falsehoods carried within “false Sacred Science” teachings became progressively more obvious by comparison.

During the ancient Atlantean period, there was one particular body of “false Sacred Science” teachings that emerged among Earth cultures after one of the GA-MCEO CDT-Plates was stolen and placed in Illuminati hands. The CDT-Plate revealed many advanced teachings of organic “Sacred Science,” which Illuminati-Elder forces then twisted to form a particular “wormhole technology” through which they could seek fulfillment of their “Earth Templar Dominion” agenda. (Historical information on the stealing of the CDT-Plate and resultant ancient dramas is found in Voyagers Volume-2, 2nd Edition.) In ancient cultures, this particular body of advanced twisted “false Sacred Science” teachings that emerged, along with its resultant technologies, from perversion of the CDT-Plate teachings, was casually known as the “Bloom of Doom” technologies.This ancient name was adopted in reference to one of the primary inorganic “energy distortion geometries” used in this “Death Science,” the structure of which, in common respects, resembled a “blossom.” Other characteristic components of distorted mathematics and physics were also inherent to the “Bloom of Doom” Death Science. Components related to the “Bloom of Doom” technologies included a distorted mathematical growth formula for artificial finite life that in later days became known as the “golden mean rectangle” and “Fibonacci spiral & sequence,” both of which were distortions of the “Krystal Spiral & Sequence” organic eternal-life growth ratios illustrated in the GA-MCEO CDT-Plate teachings.

The Krystal Spiral is based on the Kathara Grid.
Kathara Grids rotate around their common Azur-A center and expand from there.

kathara grid:


Stage 0:

Stage 1:

 Stage 2:


This Azur-A center is the center for the Krystal Spiral. The Spiral holds connection to this center at every stage.

The points on the Krystal Spiral are connected to the center by the central vertical lines of the Kathara Grid.

These form arms or radius for the spiral.
The Krystal Spiral expands by √2 = 1.414.. for every 45° or by 2 for every 90° of rotation.

This derives from the height to width ratio (2) of the Kathara Grid. The number 2 is key to the Krystal Spiral.

The Krystal Spiral forms a smooth exponential spiral that looks the same at every scale from the microcosmic to the macrocosmic.

Krystic structures support an open living universe with full higher dimensional connections and direct connection through center to Source.

They derive from the Kryst Code, which embodies original intention for creation as expressed through the Kathara Grid, Krystal Spiral and subsequent structures.

Krystal Spiral Numbers (Krystal Sequence):

Krystal Spiral:

1) The ratio between successive numbers is the Krystal Spiral ratio of 2.
2) The Krystal Spiral can be generated by addition as well as by multiplication.
3) This addition / inclusion of all earlier points is a key distinguishing feature for the Krystal Spiral.
4) Every number is the sum of all the previous Krystal numbers plus Unity.
5) The Krystal Spiral has a very regular spiral structure with simple well behaved math.
6) We get the primary number sequence for the Krystal Spiral by adding all the previous numbers, not just the last two, as it’s the case with the Fibonacci spiral which creates a progressively greater separation and isolation from Source.
7) It is symmetrical, centered and aligned with the Kathara Grids that generate it.

In comparison to the Fibonacci sequence of finite life, the numerical expansion of the Krystal Sequence from the CDT-Plate teachings occurs through multiplying the preceding numbers, in specific increments that are based upon the core structures of Kathara Grid rotation, to create the “next expansion, ”leaving the “numbers before” intact; in “energy quantum” terms, the eternal quantum integrity of all previous numbers remains constant, as the quanta of the numbers before are multiplied through self-generated power to “create the next unique number.”

Thus the “numbers” within the Krystal Sequence ALL represent eternal energy forms that will remain to infinity within their own unique individuation, always in relationship to the center-point from which they emerged, and always within the context of what they have “grown to become,” while the “next generation” emerges as a unique quantum expansion born of relative multiplication of the quanta before.

This is “creating new growth through perpetually self-regenerating power,” not growth through “recycling of finite energy,” and thus the mechanics of the Krystal Sequence imply that it represents a growth-expansion formula for organic eternal life, not inorganic finite life. (Molecular Compaction)

The growth-expansion pattern of the Krystal Sequence can be found in nature, within energy structures and biological forms of an organically eternal nature — which includes all life-forms within the Freed Worlds of eternal-life “Ascension Systems.”

The “Krystal Spiral” has a direct, immediate and permanent relationship with its own center-point of creation, whereas the Fibonacci golden mean spiral, which is relatively based upon the geometries of the “golden mean rectangle,” has a de-centralized start point of expansion, rather than a centralized “center-point” of creation.

There is a logical/ intuitive implication held within this comparative that begs the question, “Do WE not have a direct, immediate and permanent relationship with OUR own center-point of creation?”

This is what all New Age philosophies strive to teach us, and yet the logical/intuitive implication held within the “supposedly sacred” Fibonacci spiral promoted by New Age teachings illustrates a contradictory “off-center relationship to origin.”

The differences between the Krystal Spiral and Sequence and the golden mean–Fibonacci spiral and sequence can be simply understood in terms of their respective relationships to their “creation points.”

The Krystal Spiral/ Sequence emerges from its center-point of creation — to which it perpetually retains a living, “breathing” (expanding and contracting) connection through preservation of what “came before” — and it expands through multiplication of that which came before.

The golden mean–Fibonacci spiral/ sequence emerges from a “point of adhesion” to a living/ breathing form, to which it progressively loses contact, as it expands perpetually through consumption and annihilation of that which came before.

The MCEO Guardians humorously refer to the golden mean–Fibonacci spiral/ sequence as the “Fib Of NO Chi (energy)” mechanics; the simple differences of logical/ intuitive implication between the “Krystal” mechanics and the “Fib” mechanics provide a comparative illustration of the core differences between and intrinsic natures of the respective greater “creation paradigms” each system of mechanics represents.

Throughout the MCEO Freedom Teachings® many “direct” and “implied” differences have emerged between MCEO teachings and other paradigms, and with each comparative, a relative “body of reasonable doubt” has grown in relation to some of the other paradigms.

Through the progressive comparatives, it has become obvious that the ancient Atlantean “Bloom of DoomMetatronic Death Science is an “alive-and-well and dominant force” within the contemporary (False) New Age movement.

Fibonacci Sequence

Metatronic structures can be traced to their origins in Krystic structures. They represent distortions from them.

Metatronic finite life structures lead to a severing of higher dimensional and Source connections. This in turn leads to an isolated, closed and dying universe. (Fall)


1) Starting from 0 & 1 add progressive pairs of numbers to get the next number.
2) Every number is the sum of the previous two.
3) The ratio between each pair of numbers approaches the golden mean ratio Φ, e.g. 55 / 34 = 1.618..
4) Each number has connection to the previous two only. There is progressively greater isolation from Source.

The Fibonacci sequence features a sequence of numerical expansion in which the “next expansion number” to come is reached by “adding together” or “devouring” the two numbers that come before it.

If we think of each number as a “quantum of energy,” then the two previous numbers are “added together” and consumed in order to “become the next number,” leaving nothing in their place; the “numbers before” become “finite quanta” that must “disappear or die” in order for the next number to be “born.”

Thus the “numbers” within the Fibonacci sequence ALL represent finite energy forms that will be consumed and cease to exist, in order for the “next generation” to emerge

The dynamic of Merkaba Field “Vulnerability” to Free Will Choice allows manifest beings the opportunity to explore Free Will Opposite Expression through “life lessons” brought about by Cause, Effect and Consequences, in which the experiential illusions of “Limited Supply” and “separation from God-Source” can be explored.

If exploration of Opposite Expression becomes excessive, the Personal Merkaba Circulatory System becomes progressively damaged until a “point of critical mass distortion” is reached, causing the Personal Merkaba Spirals to COMPLETELY REVERSE SPIN, which creates complete separation from the natural Cosmic and Universal Kristiac/Christiac Merkabic Circulatory System. (Merkaba)

This is a condition called “MONADIC REVERSAL”. (Anti-Christiac Merkaba)

The reverse spin can no longer circulate Life Force energy from the naturally rotating Universal Merkaba Circulatory System and thus becomes a FINITE LIFE, fueled by a LIMITED SUPPLY of energy that remained within its own shield template and personal Merkabic Circulatory System when the Monadic Reversal occurred.

Confined to its own “energetic quarantine”, the reverse spin Anti-Christiac Merkaba “turns in on itself” becoming an “internal Black Hole” that progressively “self consumes” as it first expands all of the limited energy of its Reversed Shields and Merkaba Fields outwards into manifest expression, then reverses polarity and progressively draws the expanded energy back into its center, growing progressively denser at the core, as the Merkaba Fields and its “form constant” manifestation arena reciprocally become Compacted, manifesting a condition called MOLECULAR COMPACTION

MOLECULAR COMPACTION is the process by which higher frequency energy (Kundalini) comes in but the receiving part of the shields below it are not functioning so it crushes the remaining parts of the dysfunctional receivers in the shields (Miasms) and then spreads erratic whacky energy out through the shield, and when that happens the next set of currents that tries to come in will do the same thing but now there is more damage because of the erratic frequency that is flying around from the previous time.

MOLECULAR COMPACTION is the reason why we die. That is the ultimate cause of Death behind every single malady, as far as health stuff. Due to our shield reversals and thus the inability of the shields and DNA, and therefore the body, to be able to receive and synthesize naturally the normal currents from the Soul. (Primal Life Force Currents)

Fibonacci Spiral

This is “recycling of finite energy” to create growth, not growth through self-generated power, and thus the mechanics of the Fibonacci sequence imply that it represents a growth-expansion formula for finite life, not organic eternal life.

The growth-expansion pattern of the Fibonacci sequence can be found in nature, within energy structures and biological forms of a finite nature — which includes many, but not all, life-forms on contemporary Earth.

Spiral Comparisons

The Krystal Spiral has a very regular spiral structure with simple well behaved math. It is symmetrical, centered and aligned with the Kathara Grids that generate it.

The Kathara Grids have a much richer inner structure than the squares or golden rectangles. Every Kathara Grid embraces the center and sustains a dynamic for outward expansion and back flow return to the center.

The Golden Mean & Fibonacci spirals have no direct connection to their centers. The rectangles & squares being empty have little inner structure. They need external structures to get them going. They are progressively removed from Source.

In it’s early stages the Fibonacci spiral isn’t a proper spiral. As it expands it approximates to the Golden Mean spiral, but only to a scaled down version of it. The Fibonacci spiral doesn’t have in inner spiral, i.e. it’s incapable of converging towards the center.

The Krystal Spiral is much stronger and expands more rapidly than either the Golden Mean or Fibonacci spirals. Even when the Golden Mean or Fibonacci spirals start further out the Krystal Spiral will always over take them.

Another component of the ancient Atlantean “Bloom of Doom” technologies emerged through distortion of the CDT-Plate symbol called the “Kathara Grid.” Distortions of the CDT-Plate Kathara Grid symbol became known in the “Death Sciences” of the Atlantean period as the “Tree of Artificial Life,” because temporary, inorganic, finite-life artificial structures of matter, light and biology could be created through the “twisted mathematical secrets” implied by the symbolic structure of the Tree of Artificial Life distortion. The genuine Kathara Grid represents the organic core mathematical radiation-structures, or “lattices,” upon which eternal-life “living”

morphogenetic field–matter templates are built. The mathematical relationships depicted within the organic Kathara Grid symbol represent the literal “core mathematical formula”of organic radiation-lattice structure,numbers of which lattices group together in very specific geometric-mathematical patterns— forming the structure of organic multidimensional radiation templates upon which “dark-matter,” quarks and subatomic particles organize into structured manifest atoms and forms.

The organic Kathara Grid “lattice” features 12 “Signets” or “power points” placed in very specific positions within a “cross-bar lattice” of very specific proportions; the proportions and relationships depicted in the genuine Kathara Grid symbol represent the mathematical formulae of organized-radiation-structure through which organic, living matter, light and biology are formed. The organic Kathara Grid is not a “theoretical invention,” but rather is a depiction of the core organizational structure upon which the organic, living, eternal-life Cosmos is, and has always been, formed. The organic Kathara Grid, and what it represents, exists as part of the organic Natural Laws of Physics that are indelibly inherent to the eternal, multidimensional Living Cosmos, and to the eternal “Unified Field of Energy and Consciousness” within which the Cosmos resides.

Distorted versions of the CDT-Plate original Kathara Grid symbol emerged through the “Bloom of Doom” teachings in Atlantis as the “Tree of Artificial Life” symbol, which originally depicted 11“Signets” instead of the organic 12, and which had specific structural distortions within the shapes and proportions of the “cross-bar lattice.” The organic “living” Kathara Grid symbol represents the literal “core mathematical formula”of organic radiation-lattice structure for the eternal Living Cosmos. Likewise, the various versions of the “Tree of Artificial Life” symbol represent a distorted, contrived, inorganic “creation formula” through which unnatural multidimensional radiation template-structures can be artificially created — by abusing the Natural Laws of Multidimensional Physics— to harness and direct the organization of “dark-matter,” quarks and subatomic particles, in order to form inorganic, finite-life artificial structures of light-radiation, and atomic and biological form.

Further distortions of the “Tree of Artificial Life” symbol emerged later in history as “Tree of Life” symbols depicting 7, 8, 9 or 10 Signet points, with different “cross-bar lattice” distortions. These later Kathara Grid distortions represented renditions of the Atlantean “Tree of Artificial Life” creation formula as adapted by various groups of Illuminati who were in competition with the Illuminati “Bloom of Doom” creators. All such Kathara Grid distortions represent attempts at implementing unnatural creation formulae that deviate from the organic structures, and Natural Laws of Energy and Consciousness, inherent to the eternal Living Cosmos.

Two other components of the Atlantean “Bloom of Doom” teachings, and related “Death Sciences,” are hidden within two common symbol-forms referred to as the vesica piscis and the “star-tetrahedron.

The “vesica piscis” symbol is a set of 2 interlinked circles with the inner-most “outside edge” (circumference) of each circle touching the center-point of the other circle. Within the CDT-Plates, this symbol was originally called the “Bi-Veca Code,” and it, along with its 3-circle Tri-Veca Code symbol counterpart, referred to specific organic structures, processes, functions and interrelationships inherent to the organic multidimensional electromagnetic frequency spectrum, and especially to the organic creation mechanisms and natural dynamics inherent to light-radiation and the organic Living Light structures upon which the eternal Cosmos is built.

The “star-tetrahedron” symbol is a 3-dimensional symbol-form constructed of 2 pyramidal-shaped vortices, each with a triangular base: one pyramidal-vortex is in the “point-up” upright position and intersects along a vertical line with the other inverted, “point-down” pyramidal-vortex. The 2-dimensional depiction of the star-tetrahedron is the commonly recognized symbol of the “6-pointed star” or “Star of David.”
[Image credit: Otto Jacobson)

Within the CDT-Plates, both versions of this symbol were depicted with a circle around the symbol, and both were referred to as the “Hierophant” symbol, which depicted the mathematical formulae and multidimensional structures inherent to “Merkaba Fields.” Merkaba Fields are organic energy vortex structures that are part of the natural multidimensional “circulatory system” of the Living Cosmos, and which under certain conditions inherent to the Natural Laws of Multidimensional Physics, can become “vehicles of transport” within the organic processes of Genuine Ascension.

Rehost - I.imgur

The Bi-Veca Code/ “vesica piscis” and the Hierophant 6-pointed star/ “star-tetrahedron” symbols, and the “Ascension Science” teachings corresponding to them, were part of the original “Sacred Science” teachings contained with in the CDT-Plate that was stolen during the Atlantean period. In the hands of the Illuminati, the Bi-Veca and Hierophant symbols and their corresponding bases of knowledge were, like the “Kathara Grid” and “Krystal Spiral,” distorted: first into the “Bloom of Doom” technologies, and later into a variety of “Death Science” teachings and practices used by competing Illuminati groups in their quest for Earth Templar control.

Unlike the visibly discernible distortions of the Kathara Grid and Krystal Spiral symbols, Bi-Veca Code and Hierophant symbol distortions were not immediately noticeable; instead, the distortions were contained within the twisted teachings of finite-life energy mechanics that accompanied the symbols, while the image of the symbols themselves looked relatively the same. “Death Science” teachings involving the Bi-Veca Code — without its organic Tri-Veca Code counterpart — utilized the distorted energy mechanics inherent to the vesica piscis, by which inorganic, artificial, finite-life static “Dead Light” radiation fields can be generated through corresponding use of distorted Merkaba Vortexmechanics.

Twisted” Merkaba Vortex mechanics implement unnatural distortions of the spin-speed and spin-direction of Merkabic Vortex sets, to create a particle/ anti-particle harness field within which energy and atoms can be trapped. Once trapped within the inorganic Merkaba Field, the harnessed energy quanta can then artificially sustain a prolonged longevity of form, and achieve limited local interdimensional transport, as long as the inorganic Merkaba Harness around it can “feed”/ drain energy from organically living energy fields. The inorganic Merkaba Field, also known as the “Death Star” or “External Merkaba,” must “feed,” much as an “energy vampire” — as unlike organic “Krystar” Merkaba Vehicle structures, the “Death Star Merkaba” is incapable of independently generating energy quanta for self-sustenance.

Once activated, this “Artificial-Light Death Star Merkaba Vehicle,” created through the “Bloom of Doom” and related technologies, engages the finite-life mathematical growth formulae of the “golden mean rectangle” and “Fibonacci spiral & sequence” to increase its spin-speed by draining energy from the life-field around it

Usually, inorganic Death Star Merkaba technologies employ the unnatural spin-speed starting ratios of “34 / 21”in relation to two separate “same-spin fixed-vortex sets” (4 vortices, rather than the organic 2) placed in counter-rotation to each other, which accelerate and blend to a “common spin” of 55 when activated. Following activation, the Death Star Merkaba engages acceleration and quantum expansion via the inorganic growth ratios of the Fibonacci sequence, using the “energy sucking” dynamics inherent to the physics-mechanics illustrated within the Fibonacci spiral. Organic Krystar Merkaba Vehicles begin with a natural “331/3– 112/3” spin-speed ratio of a single set of 2 counter-rotating vortices, and build spin-speed and energy thrust to much higher speeds — beyond the known “speed of light” — throughinternal quantum self-generation, following the mathematical correspondences characteristic to the organic “Krystal Spiral and Sequence” growth formula. The “ratio numbers” pertaining to organic Merkaba Vortex spin-speeds refer to the number of rotations each counter-rotating vortex completes in a given period, for a period measured in increments that can be relatively compared to “one rotation per trillionth of a billionth of a nanosecond,” or RP-TBN.

Upon full activation, the “Death Star Merkaba Harness Vehicle” and its contents, be it a person, planet or galaxy, can engage limited local interdimensional relocation— but only throughinorganic wormhole, portal and black hole structures formed by the same “Death Science” technologies. Once a biological or matter-form engages full Death Star Merkaba Vehicle activation, its matter-template becomes permanently mutated, and the being or matter-form loses its organic potential of natural multidimensional Ascension, along with the ability to pass through the organic Star-Gate “Ascension Passages” inherent to the Cosmic Templar. Though the Death Star Merkaba offers the “immediate perks” of temporary extension of form longevity and limited interdimensional transport within black hole/ wormhole systems, due to the organic Natural Laws of Physics inherent to the eternal system of the Living Cosmos, the ultimate fate of the Death Star Merkaba is inevitable implosion, energetic self-annihilation and release of its harnessed quanta to space-dust. Use of the Death Star External Merkaba Vehicle can be compared to “taking a poorly planned quantum joyride that inevitably ends in a deadly crash at the end of a dead-end road”; at the least, use of the Death Star Merkaba is a very unwise decision, if one genuinely cares about the potentials of one’s own experiential evolutionary destiny.

Unlike the inorganic, externally-fueled External Merkaba of the Death Star Vehicle, the organic, internally-fueled Internal Merkaba structures inherent to the Krystar Ascension Vehicle allow for progressively unlimited interdimensional and trans-dimensional travel, and full, holistic evolutionary expansion back into the Original State of Pure Source-Consciousness. The Krystar Ascension Vehicle is formed through, and functions as, a natural consequence to harmonious use of energy and consciousness in relation to the Natural Laws of Physics inherent to the eternal Living Cosmos.

merkaba stargates(pic gone fix try and fix... )

The distorted vesica piscis Artificial-Light manipulations and Death Star Merkaba mechanics, which are at the core of the ancient Atlantean “Bloom of Doom” and “Death Science” teachings, work together with the distorted matter-template mechanics of the “Tree of Artificial Life,” “golden mean rectangle,” the “Fibonacci spiral & sequence” and other related “Death Science” components not discussed in this writing, to form an inorganic technology that attempts to manufacture an “artificial facsimile of Eternal Life Ascension.”This “facsimile of the sacred” is intended to allow the organic Laws of Energy and Consciousness that govern the eternal Living Cosmos, to be bent, broken, twisted and misused, without truth or consequence, by the whims of finite ego.

Beings who knowingly employ this mentality desire to “take a free ride at the expense of whomever or whatever crosses their paths,” without any consideration for “fair or harmoniously balanced energy exchange”; they suffer from a Dis-ease of Supreme Arrogance, through which they become self-deluded into thinking they can escape the organic Natural Laws of Action and Consequence-to-Action by which the eternal Cosmos functions. Such beings inevitably learn, most often the “hard way,” that such “delusions of grandeur,” and the perverse technologies created to fulfill them, simply do not work within the greater structures and context of the eternal Natural Cosmic Laws of Multidimensional Physics — forenergetic action will always be met withcorresponding energetic consequence.

The genuine “Sacred Science” teachings of the MCEO existed long before creation of the CDT-Plates or seeding of the Angelic Human lineage; the organic First-Creation Dynamics featured in the MCEO teachings existed as the living framework of cosmic reality long before the nature of these dynamics were ever recorded as “teachings.” The “Death Science” distortions of these “First-Creation Dynamics” also existed within our Universe long before their more recent historical return to Earth through the Atlantean “Bloom of Doom” teachings derived from Illuminati infiltration of the stolen CDT-Plate. Technologies born of the “false Sacred Science” teachings, and corresponding perversions of Natural Cosmic Physics Laws, have wreaked havoc for eons within our Galaxy and others, since their inception billions of years ago among interdimensional races that attempted to “push the concept of Free Will Consequence” beyond all intrinsic, organic cosmic boundaries. Prior to the appearance of the “Bloom of Doom” Death Science technologies on Earth, these technologies were known in our local Universe as the “Teachings of Metatronic Death Science,” named after a local entity collective, called “Metatron,” who was instrumental in bringing the Death Sciences more directly into our local Galaxy.

The Cosmic Krist Seed Atom (Formally known as the Azur-A) is the Living, Sentient Consciousness Field, formed by the intermingling of the Divine Trinity (ManU-manA-eirA) God Forces, which emerges as an elliptical-sphere-standing-wave-body within the CENTER POINT of the Cosmic Krist Template.

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The Azur-A or Seed Atom allows the unified Man-u (Holy Spirit) God-force to emerge with the “Eternal INTERNAL Flame” (Amoraea Flame) of God-consciousness, or “open two-way-swinging door” between God-source and Manifestation Fields within IT.Azur-A means the “Center Point of Eternal Creation”.

Fuelled eternally by God-Source via the “Eternal INTERNAL Amoraea Flame” at its center, the Cosmic Krist Atom perpetually creates “Replicas” of itself to serve as the “Living Seeds” and Divine Blueprint form and within which Time Matrices, Universes and their inherent matter systems are perpetually born. The Smaller Replicas of the Cosmic Krist Seed Atom are called “Universal Christos Seed Atoms”.Each 15-dimensional Time Matrix is seeded by God-Source and the Cosmic Kristos Seed Atom with ONE Universal Christos Seed Atom.The first Universal Christos Seed Atom perpetually exists and MANIFEST AS the D-12 “Universal Christos” Pre-matter Liquid Light (elliptical) spherical-standing-wave-field; the Universal Christos Field.The Universal Christos Seed Atom of a Time Matrix creates many smaller, individuated, replicas of itself called GOD SEED Atoms or PERSONAL God-sparks that retains the God-Source attributes of the Krist DIVINE BLUEPRINT.

The Personal God-spark Seed Atom within the Shield Manifestation Template of an individual exists as the portion of PERSONAL ANATOMY through which the natural energy conduits between the manifest Self, Universal Christos, Cosmic Kristos and the Cosmic Divine Trinity (ManU-manA-eirA) God-force PRIMAL FORCE CURRENTS, remain OPEN

When we talk about the Seed Atom or Azur-A , we inevitably end up talking about the Monad as well, as they are deeply connected, essentially different aspects of the same thing.

You can think of the Monad as the light generator, the energy that comes through the template and brings it to life, and the Seed Atom or Azur-A as the core template that energy is beamed through.

They are both formed of the same intention, and are just two aspects of that intention that are necessary to create a projected, perceivable hologram or reality field.

When you go into your Inner Sanctum (Brehmn – Azur-A), and focus your attention in there, there are a lot of things you can do, like astro project, when you feel exhausted or overwhelmed learning to center you attention and focus in this star of energy inside of you, pulling your attention from your crown chakra and go into your Inner Sanctum when everything else is out there and you are into the quietness and hyper cognition level that can be found in there.

This is the best place to learn to communicate with your higher levels or the Guardians.

When you go into the Inner Sanctum, you are in the point of connection with the whole Universe.

Now let’s investigate the difference between the MCEO teachings that lead us to an energetically eternally self-sustaining path of accretion of our Quanta towards God-Source and the “false” Ascension teachings, which are based on devouring or destruction of existing finite Quanta for the accretion of further new Quanta or in other words death/destruction and re-birth cycles. The “The Tree of Life” teachings that were dispensed by the entity Quetzlcoatl to the Mayan Civilization, in fact, represent The Tree of Artificial Life or Metatronic Death Science technologies. Quetzlcoatl is the same Anunnaki entity who was known as Thoth in a previous incarnation in the Atlantean period and who stole one of the CDT plates that contained some of the MCEO Ascension Science teachings. The Illuminati Elders used that technology to create a Wormhole link between our Earth-Sun-Milky Way Galactic Core and the corresponding Earth-Sun-Milky Way Galactic Core in a Parallel Universe, which is a falling system that is based on Metatronic Death Science. The Illuminati plan to open this wormhole in 2012, when our Earth-Sun-Milky Way Galactic Core come in alignment with the corresponding counterparts in the falling Parallel Universe system. No wonder, there are verses about Wormwood (something that comes through the Wormhole) in Biblical Revealation texts, which is part of the distortion introduced in religious texts as part of the Illuminati Master Plan.If the Illuminati Master Plan was successful, our Solar System and the Parallel Universe Solar System would engage inorganic Metatronic Death-Star Merkaba-vortex dimensional-blend via the Wormhole, which would cause rapid mass extinction of the life fields in both systems, then both solar systems would be “drawn back in time” to the 10,948 BC Atlantean time period of just before when the wormhole link was created. However, this Illuminati Master Plan will not succeed, as they will soon find out. Due to the GA-MCEO Guardians’ intervention efforts, the Illuminati’s wormhole link opening event will not proceed to completion in 2012, but will instead be postponed to about AD 2230.

The MCEO Guardians have progressively activated a very ancient network of trans-dimensional Earth Interface Star-Gates which include the “Arc of the Covenant–Hub Gate Network,” the “Polarian Gate System,” and the “Na-VA’-Ho Spanner Core Gate System,” which together, in 2012, will allow for the opening of the “Aurora Silver Seed Gates,” through which Earth’s Templar can retain direct connection to the Living Cosmic Templar Ascension Passages, despite the Illuminati’s scheduled 2012 opening of the Fall-aligned wormhole.These gates will remain open for the next 200 years. In 2012, the Guardians will introduce an Expedited Bio-regenesis Healing technique called the “Silver Seed Awakening”, through which accelerated reverse-mutation of the DNA Template can occur, to allow reclamation of the organic ability of Ascension through atomic Transfiguration.This “200-year window” will enable humans, both of the “Angelic” and “Illuminati-Human” lines on “Amnesty Contracts,” who engage the “Silver Seed Awakening Healing” at its initiation in 2012, to heal their atomic-biology and Encryption Lattice sufficiently to engage biological “Star-Gate Slide Ascension” into the nearby “Free Worlds” and the “Path of Re-evolutionary Ascension” within which these worlds reside. Contemporary Earth is presently a “Blended System” with over 66% of its Encryption Lattice in Fall System BPR alignment. If the fall alignment percentage remains at the same high levels in 2012, Illuminati’s strengthened environmental electro-magnetic Metatronic Time-Harness in 2012 might induce an automatic “Metatronic 55-Blending Ratio” permanent DNA mutation in all life forms.

However, Individuals who make choices that allow their personal Encryption Lattices to enter Co-resonant Harmonic Alignment with the Guardians’ Stardust Ascension Grid between December 21, 2012 and January 31, 2013, will receive the gift of the “Silver Seed Awakening”, which will create progressive biological immunity to the Illuminati’s environmentally induced automatic “Metatronic 55-Blending Ratio” permanent DNA mutation.So, what can a caring humanity do “in the meantime”, in preparation for 2012 and beyond? In short, the answer is to make positive, love-based, joy-filled and wise choices in life, in preparation for, and following 2012, which will provide the opportunity for us to SHIFT ourselves into a more desirable evolutionary alignment than that of the “Path of Fall,” with which the primary quanta of Earth are now engaged due to the 66% quantum alignment of Earth’s Planetary Encryption Lattice, and geomagnetic field, to the Metatronic Code. An example of a wise choice would be to refrain from engaging in Metatronic Death Science based “false” Ascension teachings. Pointers have been provided in the above linked summary #2, on how one can discern between “true” and “false” ascension teachings. Eg: if one sees constructs such as the “tree of Life”, “Fibonacci Sequence” or “Golden Mean Rectangle” used in the teachings then that paradigm is definitely based on Metatronic Death Science.Within the intensive studies of “Cosmic Context, Structures and Dynamics” progressively featured in the MCEO teachings, we have learned of the intricate genuine “Sacred Geometries” inherent to personal and cosmic structure, and the corresponding Sacred Processes of Physics and Consciousness—such as Partiki Phasing, Takeyon Harmonic Key Cycles and Eckashi Expansion & Adashi Return Cycles — which are interrelated elements of the organic cycles of growth that govern cosmic formation, biological creation and spiritual evolution. We have also learned of the “nature of space-time,” and of both the small and massive organic multidimensional “time cycles” that govern space, time, matter, consciousness and manifestation.Progressively since 2000, the CDT-Plate translations and MCEO teachings have revealed many long-hidden secrets pertaining to the “Science of Ascension,” which includes the organic processes of interdimensional and trans-dimensional atomic Transmutation, Transfiguration, Translocation and Transmigration. In our learning of the actual organic processes by which—and cosmic structures through which—the bio-spiritual dynamics of “Ascension” can occur, we have also received an extensive amount of information on the intentional historical distortions of “Ascension Science teachings.” Through learning about the organic intricate structures, genuine processes and Natural Laws of Multidimensional Physics through which actual “Bio-Spiritual Ascension” (for “planets or people”) can take place, the falsehoods carried within “false Sacred Science” teachings became progressively more obvious by comparison.

“False Sacred Science” teachings, and the inorganic environmental and biological consequences created through their use, are built upon convoluted, self-serving perversions of the organic Laws of Multidimensional Physics. Applications of these “twisted multidimensional science” teachings, historically engaged on Earth throughout different periods over many thousands of years, has taken a terrible toll on human evolution and on the state of our planetary environment. The “false Sacred Science” teachings emerged from periods in our ancient and pre-ancient past, during the historically ignored “ancient advanced Earth cultures” currently associated with “Atlantean and Lemurian mythology.” During these ancient times, many environmental and biological horrors were created through application of the “false Sacred Sciences”; the technologies that emerged from these teachings represented a perversion of the organic, living multidimensional technologies that were once available through applications of genuine “Sacred Science.” In ancient advanced cultures, the “false Sacred Science” teachings became known as the “Death Sciences,” because reduction of eternal-life potential to finite-life de-evolution was the eventual result of their applications—regardless of what temporary benefits of finite power such technologies supplied.

During the ancient Atlantean period, there was one particular body of “false Sacred Science” teachings that emerged among Earth cultures after one of the GA-MCEO CDT-Plates was stolen and placed in Illuminati hands. The CDT-Plate revealed many advanced teachings of organic “Sacred Science,” which Illuminati-Elder forces then twisted to form a particular “wormhole technology” through which they could seek fulfillment of their “Earth Templar Dominion” agenda. (Historical information on the stealing of the CDT-Plate and resultant ancient dramas is found in Voyagers Volume-2, 2nd Edition.) In ancient cultures, this particular body of advanced twisted “false Sacred Science” teachings that emerged, along with its resultant technologies, from perversion of the CDT-Plate teachings, was casually known as the “Bloom of Doom” technologies. This ancient name was adopted in reference to one of the primary inorganic “energy distortion geometries” used in this “Death Science,” the structure of which, in common respects, resembled a “blossom.” Other characteristic components of distorted mathematics and physics were also inherent to the “Bloom of Doom” Death Science. Components related to the “Bloom of Doom” technologies included a distorted mathematical growth formula for artificial finite life that in later days became known as the “golden mean rectangle” and “Fibonacci spiral & sequence,” both of which were distortions of the “Krystal Spiral & Sequence” organic eternal-life growth ratios illustrated in the GA-MCEO CDT-Plate teachings.

Another component of the ancient Atlantean “Bloom of Doom” technologies emerged through distortion of the CDT-Plate symbol called the “Kathara Grid.” Distortions of the CDT-Plate Kathara Grid symbol became known in the “Death Sciences” of the Atlantean period as the “Tree of Artificial Life,” because temporary, inorganic, finite-life artificial structures of matter, light and biology could be created through the “twisted mathematical secrets” implied by the symbolic structure of the Tree of Artificial Life distortion. The genuine Kathara Grid represents the organic core mathematical radiation-structures, or “lattices,” upon which eternal-life “living” morphogenetic field–matter templates are built. The mathematical relationships depicted within the organic Kathara Grid symbol represent the literal “core mathematical formula” of organic radiation-lattice structure, numbers of which lattices group together in very specific geometric-mathematical patterns — forming the structure of organic multidimensional radiation templates upon which “dark-matter,” quarks and subatomic particles organize into structured manifest atoms and forms.

The organic Kathara Grid “lattice” features 12 “Signets” or “power points” placed in very specific positions within a “cross-bar lattice” of very specific proportions; the proportions and relationships depicted in the genuine Kathara Grid symbol represent the mathematical formulae of organized-radiation-structure through which organic, living matter, light and biology are formed. The organic Kathara Grid is not a “theoretical invention,” but rather is a depiction of the core organizational structure upon which the organic, living, eternal-life Cosmos is, and has always been, formed. The organic Kathara Grid, and what it represents, exists as part of the organic Natural Laws of Physics that are indelibly inherent to the eternal, multidimensional Living Cosmos, and to the eternal “Unified Field of Energy and Consciousness” within which the Cosmos resides.

Distorted versions of the CDT-Plate original Kathara Grid symbol emerged through the “Bloom of Doom” teachings in Atlantis as the “Tree of Artificial Life” symbol, which originally depicted 11 “Signets” instead of the organic 12, and which had specific structural distortions within the shapes and proportions of the “cross-bar lattice.” The organic “living” Kathara Grid symbol represents the literal “core mathematical formula” of organic radiation-lattice structure for the eternal Living Cosmos. Likewise, the various versions of the “Tree of Artificial Life” symbol represent a distorted, contrived, inorganic “creation formula” through which unnatural multidimensional radiation template-structures can be artificially created — by abusing the Natural Laws of Multidimensional Physics — to harness and direct the organization of “dark-matter,” quarks and subatomic particles, in order to form inorganic, finite-life artificial structures of light-radiation, and atomic and biological form.

Further distortions of the “Tree of Artificial Life” symbol emerged later in history as “Tree of Life” symbols depicting 7, 8, 9 or 10 Signet points, with different “cross-bar lattice” distortions. These later Kathara Grid distortions represented renditions of the Atlantean “Tree of Artificial Life” creation formula as adapted by various groups of Illuminati who were in competition with the Illuminati “Bloom of Doom” creators. All such Kathara Grid distortions represent attempts at implementing unnatural creation formulae that deviate from the organic structures, and Natural Laws of Energy and Consciousness, inherent to the eternal Living Cosmos.

Two other components of the Atlantean “Bloom of Doom” teachings, and related “Death Sciences,” are hidden within two common symbol-forms referred to as the vesica piscis and the “star-tetrahedron.” The “vesica piscis” symbol is a set of 2 interlinked circles with the inner-most “outside edge” (circumference) of each circle touching the center-point of the other circle. Within the CDT-Plates, this symbol was originally called the “Bi-Veca Code,” and it, along with its 3-circle Tri-Veca Code symbol counterpart, referred to specific organic structures, processes, functions and interrelationships inherent to the organic multidimensional electromagnetic frequency spectrum, and especially to the organic creation mechanisms and natural dynamics inherent to light-radiation and the organic Living Light structures upon which the eternal Cosmos is built.

The “star-tetrahedron” symbol is a 3-dimensional symbol-form constructed of 2 pyramidal-shaped vortices, each with a triangular base: one pyramidal-vortex is in the “point-up” upright position and intersects along a vertical line with the other inverted, “point-down” pyramidal-vortex. The 2-dimensional depiction of the star-tetrahedron is the commonly recognized symbol of the “6-pointed star” or “Star of David.” Within the CDT-Plates, both versions of this symbol were depicted with a circle around the symbol, and both were referred to as the “Hierophant” symbol, which depicted the mathematical formulae and multidimensional structures inherent to “Merkaba Fields.” Merkaba Fields are organic energy vortex structures that are part of the natural multidimensional “circulatory system” of the Living Cosmos, and which under certain conditions inherent to the Natural Laws of Multidimensional Physics, can become “vehicles of transport” within the organic processes of Genuine Ascension.
bi veca
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The Bi-Veca Code/“vesica piscis” and the Hierophant 6-pointed star/“star-tetrahedron” symbols, and the “Ascension Science” teachings corresponding to them, were part of the original “Sacred Science” teachings contained with in the CDT-Plate that was stolen during the Atlantean period. In the hands of the Illuminati, the Bi-Veca and Hierophant symbols and their corresponding bases of knowledge were, like the “Kathara Grid” and “Krystal Spiral,” distorted: first into the “Bloom of Doom” technologies, and later into a variety of “Death Science” teachings and practices used by competing Illuminati groups in their quest for Earth Templar control. Unlike the visibly discernible distortions of the Kathara Grid and Krystal Spiral symbols, Bi-Veca Code and Hierophant symbol distortions were not immediately noticeable; instead, the distortions were contained within the twisted teachings of finite-life energy mechanics that accompanied the symbols, while the image of the symbols themselves looked relatively the same. “Death Science” teachings involving the Bi-Veca Code—without its organic Tri-Veca Code counterpart—utilized the distorted energy mechanics inherent to the vesica piscis, by which inorganic, artificial, finite-life static “Dead Light” radiation fields can be generated through corresponding use of distorted Merkaba Vortex mechanics.

Twisted” Merkaba Vortex mechanics implement unnatural distortions of the spin-speed and spin-direction of Merkabic Vortex sets, to create a particle/ anti-particle harness field within which energy and atoms can be trapped. Once trapped within the inorganic Merkaba Field, the harnessed energy quanta can then artificially sustain a prolonged longevity of form, and achieve limited local interdimensional transport, as long as the inorganic Merkaba Harness around it can “feed”/drain energy from organically living energy fields. The inorganic Merkaba Field, also known as the “Death Star” or “External Merkaba,” must “feed,” much as an “energy vampire”—as unlike organic “Krystar” Merkaba Vehicle structures, the “Death Star Merkaba” is incapable of independently generating energy quanta for self-sustenance.

Once activated, this “Artificial-Light Death Star Merkaba Vehicle,” created through the “Bloom of Doom” and related technologies, engages the finite-life mathematical growth formulae of the “golden mean rectangle” and “Fibonacci spiral & sequence” to increase its spin-speed by draining energy from the life-field around it. Usually, inorganic Death Star Merkaba technologies employ the unnatural spin-speed starting ratios of “34/21” in relation to two separate “same-spin fixed-vortex sets” (4 vortices, rather than the organic 2) placed in counter-rotation to each other, which accelerate and blend to a “common spin” of 55 when activated. Following activation, the Death Star Merkaba engages acceleration and quantum expansion via the inorganic growth ratios of the Fibonacci sequence, using the “energy sucking” dynamics inherent to the physics-mechanics illustrated within the Fibonacci spiral. Organic Krystar Merkaba Vehicles begin with a natural “331/3– 112/3” spin-speed ratio of a single set of 2 counter-rotating vortices, and build spin-speed and energy thrust to much higher speeds—beyond the known “speed of light”—through internal quantum self-generation, following the mathematical correspondences characteristic to the organic “Krystal Spiral and Sequence” growth formula. The “ratio numbers” pertaining to organic Merkaba Vortex spin-speeds refer to the number of rotations each counter-rotating vortex completes in a given period, for a period measured in increments that can be relatively compared to “one rotation per trillionth of a billionth of a nanosecond,” or RP-TBN.

Upon full activation, the “Death Star Merkaba Harness Vehicle” and its contents, be it a person, planet or galaxy, can engage limited local interdimensional relocation—but only through inorganic wormhole, portal and black hole structures formed by the same “Death Science” technologies. Once a biological or matter-form engages full Death Star Merkaba Vehicle activation, its matter-template becomes permanently mutated, and the being or matter-form loses its organic potential of natural multidimensional Ascension, along with the ability to pass through the organic Star-Gate “Ascension Passages” inherent to the Cosmic Templar. Though the Death Star Merkaba offers the “immediate perks” of temporary extension of form longevity and limited interdimensional transport within black hole/wormhole systems, due to the organic Natural Laws of Physics inherent to the eternal system of the Living Cosmos, the ultimate fate of the Death Star Merkaba is inevitable implosion, energetic self-annihilation and release of its harnessed quanta to space-dust. Use of the Death Star External Merkaba Vehicle can be compared to “taking a poorly planned quantum joyride that inevitably ends in a deadly crash at the end of a dead-end road”; at the least, use of the Death Star Merkaba is a very unwise decision, if one genuinely cares about the potentials of one’s own experiential evolutionary destiny.

Unlike the inorganic, externally-fueled External Merkaba of the Death Star Vehicle, the organic, internally-fueled Internal Merkaba structures inherent to the Krystar Ascension Vehicle allow for progressively unlimited interdimensional and trans-dimensional travel, and full, holistic evolutionary expansion back into the Original State of Pure Source-Consciousness. The Krystar Ascension Vehicle is formed through, and functions as, a natural consequence to harmonious use of energy and consciousness in relation to the Natural Laws of Physics inherent to the eternal Living Cosmos.

The distorted vesica piscis Artificial-Light manipulations and Death Star Merkaba mechanics, which are at the core of the ancient Atlantean “Bloom of Doom” and “Death Science” teachings, work together with the distorted matter-template mechanics of the “Tree of Artificial Life,” “golden mean rectangle,” the “Fibonacci spiral & sequence” and other related “Death Science” components not discussed in this writing, to form an inorganic technology that attempts to manufacture an “artificial facsimile of Eternal Life Ascension.” This “facsimile of the sacred” is intended to allow the organic Laws of Energy and Consciousness that govern the eternal Living Cosmos, to be bent, broken, twisted and misused, without truth or consequence, by the whims of finite ego.

The genuine “Sacred Science” teachings of the MCEO existed long before creation of the CDT-Plates or seeding of the Angelic Human lineage; the organic First-Creation Dynamics featured in the MCEO teachings existed as the living framework of cosmic reality long before the nature of these dynamics were ever recorded as “teachings.” The “Death Science” distortions of these “First-Creation Dynamics” also existed within our Universe long before their more recent historical return to Earth through the Atlantean “Bloom of Doom” teachings derived from Illuminati infiltration of the stolen CDT-Plate. Technologies born of the “false Sacred Science” teachings, and corresponding perversions of Natural Cosmic Physics Laws, have wreaked havoc for eons within our Galaxy and others, since their inception billions of years ago among interdimensional races that attempted to “push the concept of Free Will Consequence” beyond all intrinsic, organic cosmic boundaries. Prior to the appearance of the “Bloom of Doom” Death Science technologies on Earth, these technologies were known in our local Universe as the “Teachings of Metatronic Death Science,” named after a local entity collective, called “Metatron,” who was instrumental in bringing the Death Sciences more directly into our local Galaxy.

(Detailed information on “organic First-Creation Dynamics,” the historical “Fall of Metatron” and related characters, and the mechanics and historical applications of “Metatronic Death Science” is found in Voyagers Volume-2, 2nd Edition, throughout various MCEO Freedom Teachings® workshop DVD programs, and in Introductory-Topics Summary-1.)

Ancient Deception, the Fall of Atlantis & Comparative Review of Death Science Paradigms

In the ancient Atlantean period of Earth, the “Bloom of Doom” Death Science technologies became well-rooted in Atlantean cultural practices; our contemporary planetary environment, human DNA and the evolutionary potentials of Earth’s collective life-field are still suffering from the progressive, continuing effects of the applications of the Atlantean Death Science

technologies. A primary factor in the spread of Death Science teachings and technologies within the advanced ancient cultures of the Atlantean period was the mass deception used by Illuminati groups to misrepresent these teachings as originating from a “Divine Inspired Source”; part of this deception involved the “demonstration of great powers” that could be achieved with application of the Death Science technologies. Masses of people were deceived into thinking that the “wisdom and powers” allotted them, through use of the Death Science teachings and technologies, were assisting them to heal, reach greater levels of spiritual enlightenment and attain mastery over the process of Bio-Spiritual Ascension.

In reality, the Death Science teachings and technologies progressively mutated the DNA, and entrapped the consciousness within a biologically-induced state of false euphoria—while systematically dissolving the organic evolutionary potential to achieve Genuine Eternal Life Bio-Spiritual Star-Gate Ascension. The ancient Illuminati races of the Atlantean period promoted the Death Science technologies precisely to achieve these results, for their true motivation and intention was not at all to “assist the human race” in aspiring to its potential “evolutionary glory”; the Illuminati agenda was to covertly USE the human race as “unwitting, expendable tools,” through which the Illuminati goal of achieving Earth “Templar Dominion” could be fulfilled.

In ancient times, both the Illuminati-Human races and their ET Illuminati-Elder-kin directors KNEW that every biological life-form represents a “biological electromagnetic quantum,” which exists in a symbiotic bio-electric interrelationship with the electromagnetic structures inherent to the Planetary Templar and Star-Gate system. The Illuminati intention was to harness this “raw biological power” of Earth’s most “genetically advanced” Angelic Human species, by cultivating the human biology into a “vessel” through which the interdimensional frequencies of the distorted “Metatronic Code” could be “electronically channeled en masse” into Earth’s Templar. If a mass of Angelic Human bodies could be genetically mutated to “run the frequencies of the Metatronic Death Code,” then a critical quantum of the “collective human body” could be used to create “quantum override” of the organic electromagnetic coding of Earth’s Star-Gate Ascension Passages, which are “electronically keyed” to the organic Angelic Human genome. Once such a “mass of Metatronically-coded biological electromagnetic human quanta” was created, masses of humans could then be “guided” to perform specific “spiritual energy rituals” at various key “Sacred Site” locations of Earth’s Templar, during the “all-important periods” of Earth’s SAC Star-Gate-opening “Ascension Cycles.”

This process of “invasion from within” worked relatively well in fulfilling the Illuminati small-scale agendas of the ancient Atlantean period, culminating in “Fall by design” of Atlantean culture and resultant cataclysmic destruction of the territories of Atlantis. These “small Illuminati victories” of Atlantis represented “baby steps” in the fulfillment of a much larger “Illuminati Master Plan,” to which these “small steps” were intended to lead.

Below: Ecka Maps of the God Worlds


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A & A Deane, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series