

The Rha-Veca Code
The Khu-Veca Code
The Eckasha
not lined holds 50% distortions...
clean version i made. artistic version soon..

Codes Bi-Veca
The Dha-Veca Code
The Trinity -Veca Code
The Dha-Veca Code
Veca Codes:
(See: Code, High Veca Codes, Symbols, Geomancies) (register a acc(free) for more ACCESS words/Dictionary) @
Veca Codes: the "Time Vector Codes"; mathematical programs of manifestation that govern the formation of Fire Letter Sequences in manifestation templates.
Each Dimensional Field, and the Primal Light and Sound Field have a set of Veca Code programs, that when activated in a Planet or Being allow the corresponding Life Force Current, in its original organic "Eternal Divine Blueprint" or "Divine Right Order" form, to progressively embody.
The High Veca Codes of D-12 Divine Blueprint and Primal Light/Sound Trion-Meajhe Fields above have the power to restore all Veca codes and Scalar Template below them to their original Divine Blueprint or "Divine Right Order."
Veca Code Bio-regenesis programs allow the unnatural 7 Jehovian Seals to be cleared from the body and Veca Code RRT's allow rapid anchoring of the D-12 Planetary Divine Blueprint for expedited fulfillment of the Planetary Christos Realignment Mission.
When used with the Temporary Maharic Seal, Toning of the Veca Code "names" (auditory translation of their core mathematical vibration. Mu-a'-va, Ha-sha, Shar-dA'z-a, DU-a'jha and Ec-ka), activates corresponding mathematical codes in the DNA Template, expediting embodiment of the personal D-12 Pre-matter Divine Blueprint and corresponding levels of personal expanded consciousness.
(Voyagers II - Page 517)
Veca Codes clear Radial Body and DNA Miasms on projection current, then Return Current carries Veca Code-corrected Divine Blueprint mathematical program back through personal anatomy and Kathara Grid
(See: Universal Life Force Currents)
Return Current continues on to carry corrected Divine Blueprint program back into Planetary Anatomy, clearing corresponding portions of the Planetary Grids, Radial Body (Memory Matrix), Merkaba Fields, Planetary Shields and Kathara Grid.
Creating a Personal Bio-Field Link to the
Universal Christos-Trion-Meajhe Field:
Induction of the High Vecas*
Use will also help clear Jehovian Seals Veca Codes Veca Codes are very specific SYMBOL CODES, each possessing corresponding Sound Tones or Arieas. Working with these codes assists us in opening the Maharic Shield to the Rishiac Shield (the level of our being at the 5th Density or Harmonic Universe Level: the Primal Light Fields), as well as balancing more smoothly the higher frequencies now anchoring on earth. Veca Code technologies facilitate the healing of the subconscious mind, helping us to intercept incoming distortions or miasms and also to begin to clear the backlog of these distortions in our own anatomy.
Induction or embedding of the High Veca Codes into the 15 Dimensional Anatomy involves placing individual Symbol Codes (mathematical programmes) over the regions of the physical body that correspond to the appropriate aspects of the Kathara Grid. The body placement of each code corresponds directly to its place in the Shields.
Once the Symbol is in place, the breath is used to direct D12 Maharata Current through each symbol code and body region. Use of the Maharata Current carrier wave (via induction of the Maharic Seal/Shield) is required to induce the code's mathematical programme into the various levels of the Kathara Grid, where the programme will then naturally transfer into the corresponding areas of the Level-1 Kathara 12-Tree Grid core template. This induction is amplified by the use of optical-pineal induction whereby the eyes are focused for a time upon the Image of the symbol code. The mathematical Veca Code programme enters the Pineal Seals through the Optical Currents and 6th Chakra, and then travels for embedding/ induction through the Central Vertical Current into the body regions to which the code corresponds. In the beginning stages of working with optical-pineal induction it is recommended to use a 'cross-eyed' focus in whatever way this feels most comfortable, either relaxed or more concentrated, to give a double, 'overlapping' image of the symbol code. This facilitates the realignment of distortions in the optical region (see CCR and SYCA workshops for further information on brain structure).
Once the High Veca and Eckasha Code Sequences are embedded/ induced into the Level 1 Kathara Grid, they are then activated in the Kathara Grid by TONING the corresponding Veca Code Ariea sequence. The longer the toning is sustained the greater will be the quantity and quality of Veca Code Activation. We are reflecting back to our Shields what is in them, and that reflection stimulates the vibration of the same pattern that is already in the Shields. When it vibrates, it begins to bring in the frequencies to which it is keyed. The Radial Body is our pre-sound, pre-light body, the radiating fields of energy and life force around and within us. It takes the primary form of a tissue capsule around the auric field and also smaller energy capsules around all of the atoms of the body. The Radial Body is not just the tissue capsule; it is also what is contained inside it. If there are distortions in the Radial Body, it is like projecting a film onto a damaged screen, thus the condition of the Radial Body, our manifestation arena, has a direct bearing on the quality of the life we experience as manifest around us. The Holographic Template or Thought-Energy Blueprint is the original thought-form construct upon which our universal structure is perpetually re-created. The Radial Body is the living theatre within which the consciousness held in our DNA and entire energetic structure can be experienced as a 3D hologram, the holographic refraction lens that allows the hologram to move through us. Veca Codes are Radial Body codes; in addition to clearing and realigning distortions at this level, they control the opening and closing of the Radial Body capsules. Every time we work with the Veca Codes we are releasing the Radial Body locks which hold the levels of the Radial Body separate from each other. This allows the levels of the Radial Body to blend together, facilitating the full activation of the whole Flame Body. Once activated, the Veca Code programmes travel upward through the stages of the Transduction Manifestation sequence, the process by which Source steps into manifestation in every moment, temporarily restoring the Christiac Merkaba Field, Radial Body and Memory Matrix Divine Blueprint. Frequent and continued use of these and other KS codes will progressively build Critical Mass of the Divine Blueprint programme simultaneously within ALL levels of the 15 Dimensional anatomy, eventually culminating in expedited full restoration of the D 12 Maharic Shield blueprint within the Body-Mind-Spirit system, via the Radial Body Trion (Light)- Meajhe (Sound) Field. To receive the full benefits of working with Veca Code technologies, the Emerald and Amethyst Awakenings Sequence should be fully run at least once in the life time beforehand.
Exercise - 1: Once per day, do Eckasha Maharic Seal then practice each set of Veca-tones separately while fixating visual focus on corresponding Veca-Code symbol; spend at least three or four minutes gazing at each symbol (optical-pineal induction) while toning corresponding tones (core template vibrational induction). With practice this will progressively expand the personal consciousness while activating the personal Christos-Trion-Meajhe Field of your Christos-Rishiac-Ascended Master identity levels within the cellular structure.
Exercise - 2: Once per week, directly after completing
Exercise - 1, place all Veca-Code symbols over designated body areas, activate Maharic Shield, breathe D-12 Maharata Current through each symbol and body area to induce code, using the Bi-Tri-Khu-Dha-Ra Sequence, then begin toning the corresponding tones following the Bi-Tri-Khu-Dha-Ra Sequence.
Memorize the tone sequence of the 5 High - Veca Codes as if it were a "song" and relax, close eyes and sing/tone this "song" (Psonn) for 5 to 10 minutes.
The longer you tone, the more frequency power you build within the body and the stronger your link will be to the Universal Christos - Trion Meajhe Field.
This exercise can also be used with groups, either singularly to create and amplify Christos - Trion - Meajhe Field links or just prior to beginning RRT work.
Frequent and consistent use of these two exercises will progressively develop the spin-rate capacity of the personal Christos Merkaba Field, while expanding higher consciousness within the body and progressively enhancing the health, immunity and integrity of the Mind-Body-Spirit system.
The High Veca Codes
Universal Time Codes for
Primal Frequency Access*
Veca Codes open the Radial Body Locks between the Veca Quadrant and the Ecka Core of the Ecka-Veca Body, allowing passage of Heliotalic Currents into the Manifest Density Body.
To hear a wave file of the toning sequence, Right Click HERE (464kb) and choose
"save link as". Save to your desktop so you will know where it is. Go to
desktop and double click the file to play.
Density-4 Dimensions 10-11-12 called the Mu A' va TONE: Ma ha ra' ta Mu A' va Symbol placement: Right Foot bottom |
Density-5 Dimensions 13-14-15 called the Ha' Sha TONE: Kee' Ra ShA Ha Sha Symbol placement: Left Foot bottom |
Primal Sound-1 Triadic called the Shar dA'z a TONE: Khu Shar DA'z a Symbol Placement: Chakra-8 Front (clavicle) |
Primal Sound-2 Polaric called the DrU A' jha TONE: Dha' Dru A' jha Symbol Placement: Chakra-2 (just below navel) |
Primal Sound-3 Eckatic called the Ec ka TONE: Rha Ec' ka Symbol Placement: Over Tailbone |
To balance the electrical and magnetic forces in the body To create an "eckasha" vehicle for interdimensional travel Via Pineal Induction TONE: Um ah A' ThrA' E' na A' |