The 5 Stages of the Silver-Seed Awakening & the AMCC-MCEO-Krystal River Fail-Safe Host
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The 5 Stages of the Silver-Seed Awakening & the AMCC-MCEO-Krystal River Fail-Safe Host
AMCC-MCEO-GA excerpt (for theoretical exploration; © 8/2013 E’Asha Ashayana & EFFI-Project):
Using analogy, the process of restoring the organic Silver-Seed Krystar Core Plasma Flows can be compared to “building a toweror spire, from the bottom up”; which occurs in five primary stages. In Stage-1, a sufficient-quantum External Creation grounding-base elemental frequency platform is set, then this frequency-structure is progressively built up and expanded upward and inward (toward Internal Creation), until it “crests the boundary between External and Internal Creation” (the D-Planes), allowing for Internal Creation D-Planes first plasma flows(“top downward/outward” Internal D-Planes plasma flows) to enter External Creation, which initiates Stage-2.
In Stage-2, once D-Planes first plasma flows initiate (through fulfillment of Stage-1), this growing “spire of frequency” continues to expand upward and inward, until finally accreting sufficient strength to anchor/hold the “pyramidal cap stone” (Cos-MY’ah Core Sun-8 plasma-frequency spectra); as the “pyramidal cap stone” is “placed on top” of the frequency “spire” and activated, the Internal Creation Cos-MY’ah Core Sun-8 plasma flows (“top downward/outward” Internal Sun-8 Core plasma flows) enter External Creation, which initiates Stage-3.
Continuing this “spire building” analogy, in Stage-3, once Cos-MY’ah Core Sun-8 plasma flows activated (through fulfillment of Stage-2), the “point-tip of the pyramidal capstone” then “pierces the veil” between the Internal Creation Plasma Fields and the Krystar Core Silver-Seed, releasing the Silver-Seed Krystar Core Plasma Flows into the “pyramidal cap stone”, which then directs the Silver-Seed Krystar Core Plasma Flows (top downward/outward flows) progressively through the “frequency spire” and into External Creation”, which initiates Stage-4.
In Stage-4, once the Internal Creation Silver-Seed Krystar Core Plasma Flows release into External Creation (through fulfillment of Stage-3), they will then progressively re-enter circulation within all aspects of External Creation, which initiates progressive restoration of the organic Krystar Plasma Templates (Chismatic Field), and corresponding Eternal Life potentials within External Creation, which after a period of Chismatic Restoration Cycles, initiates Stage-5.
In Stage-5, after a period of Krystar Plasma Template Chismatic Restoration Cycles completes (through fulfillment of Stage-4), the pathways of circulation, between Internal and External Creation fully open, and the frequency-spectra fields of Internal, D-Planes and External Creation merge, progressively allowing Eternal Life potentials to become available to all within External Creation, and providing all within External Creation the opportunity to re-enter Eternal Creation. Fulfillment of this eternal organic process is called the “Silver Seed Awakening”, and its orchestration is the purpose of the AMCC-MCEO-Krystal River Fail-Safe Host.
5 Stages of the AMCC-MCEO Krystal River Fail-Safe Host: Summary
For theoretical exploration only; © 8/2013 E’Asha Ashayana & EFFI-Project page-1
Stage-1: External Creationgrounding-base elemental frequency platform is set (1997-2007) and progressively
expanded upward and inward (toward Internal Creation) as a “spire of frequency” (2007- 2009), until it
“crests the D-Planes” (2009-8/2011), allowing for Internal Creation D-Planes first plasma flows to enter
External Creation (8/2011-4/2012).
.- (Stage-1 accomplished 1997-4/2012 via AMCC-MCEO-GA translations Foundational Programs 1997-
2005 & MCEO Freedom Teachings Series-2005-4/2012)
Stage-2: External Creation to Internal Creation D-Planes “frequency spire” further expands upward/ inward and
accretes sufficient strength to anchor/hold the “pyramidal cap stone”-Cos-MY’ah Core Sun-8 plasma-
frequency spectra (5/2012-12/2012); “pyramidal cap stone placed on top of the frequency spire” activates
Internal Creation Cos-MY’ah Core Sun-8 plasma flows into External Creation via “frequency spire”
.- (Stage-2 accomplished 5/2012-5/2013 via AMCC-MCEO-GA translations EFFI-Project-1, 5/2012,
& AMCC-MCEO-GA translations AMCC-MCEO Advanced Master-works Programs TTJ-1-5
ARhAyas Productions 8/2012-5/2013)
*Stage-3: At critical-mass accretion of Internal Creation Cos-MY’ah Core Sun-8 plasma flows (5- 8/2013), the
“point-tip of the pyramidal capstone” (Cos-MY’ah Core Sun-8 plasma-frequency spectra “tip”
= A-Rhi-yah Winds/A-RhA-yah Vapors) “pierces the veil (the E-LAi-sian Guard)” between Internal
Creation Plasma Fields and Krystar Core Silver-Seed, releasing full-spectrum Silver-Seed
Krystar Core Plasma Flows (full-spectrum 24 KHY-Wave Flows)into “pyramidal cap stone” and
External Creation via “frequency spire” (8/2013)
.- ( Stage-3 accomplished 5/2013-8/2013 via AMCC-MCEO-GA translations AMCC-MCEO Advanced
Master-works Programs TTJ- 6 ARhAyas Productions 8/2013)
Stage-4: Internal Creation Silver-Seed Krystar Core Plasma Flows release into External Creation
(5-8/2013), & progressively re-enter circulation within all aspects of External Creation, initiating
series of progressive Chismatic Restoration Cycles ( Planetary Fail-Safe Master-Shift cycles) –
(8/2013 through 900 year -2913AD duration of the AMCC-MCEO Krystal River Fail-Safe Host),of
the organic Krystar Plasma Templates/Chismatic Field within External Creation.
-(Stage-4 accomplished 8/2012-2913 AD via AMCC-MCEO-GA translations Advanced Master-works
Programs, EFFI-Project, & AMCC-MCEO Krystal River Fail-Safe Host)
Stage-5: Following completion of the planetary Chismatic Restoration Cycles( 2913AD) pathways of circulation
between Internal & External Creation fully open, & the frequency-spectra fields of Internal, D-Planes &
External Creation merge, returning Eternal Life potentials to all within External Creation, providing all
within External Creation opportunity to re-enter Eternal Creation.
-(Stage-5 accomplished 2913 AD+ via AMCC-MCEO Krystal River Fail-Safe Host)
Fulfillment of this eternal organic process is called the “Silver Seed Awakening”, and its orchestration is, and has always been, the purpose of the AMCC-MCEO-Krystal River Fail-Safe Host.
As previously stated, in the opinion of E-LAi-sa Freedom Forum, AMCC-MCEO, LLC, and the AMCC-MCEO-GA, the original, authentic AMCC-MCEO-GA translations, as translated/authored by AMCC-MCEO-GA Speaker-1 E’Asha Ashayana, represent a prolific treasury of information provided by the legitimate AMCC-MCEO-GA that represents a true “Gift for Theoretical Exploration and Practical Investigation for an Evolving Humanity”, whether one chooses to view these bodies of information as theoretical exploration into the possibilities of human conscious evolution (as they have always been presented by the AMCC-MCEO-GA and E’Asha Ashayana), or whether they are viewed as practical spirituality or purely interesting fiction. Neither E-LAi-sa Freedom Forum, the EFFI-Project, the AMCC-MCEO-GA, nor E’Asha Ashayana, hold any “vested interest” in how these bodies of AMCC-MCEO-GA information are viewed; our interest is only in that they are preserved and protected in their original unadulterated form, so that those whom may wish to explore these teachings have continued access to doing so.
Copyright © 2016 ARhAyas Productions LLC.